My Blood Type is O, which requires me to eat more protein, but I have fibroids?

2021-03-05 6:19 am
I have suffered from fibroids for quite some time. Everyone in my family has had a hysterectomy. They have told me, because of the severe symptoms and my anemia, I need to have a hysterectomy. But, I have been watched probably over 50 different videos from different doctors, saying that their is another way, to eliminate or shrink fibroid, and that requires a plant based diet. The problem I have loved eating dairy most of my life. I am definitely a meat eater. I did not know that people with Type O Blood need a high protein diet. I, also like doing aerobics, which I found out was best. I tried to cut out meat, but I am finding out that I am so drained. I want to cut the fibroids, but is there a way to get a high amount of protein without eating meat or do I have to eat meat?

回答 (4)

2021-03-05 6:33 am
We don't know who "they" is but there is no science behind the blood type diets.

There are a lot of plant based diet items that have MORE protein than beef.

You can google and find a full assortment of healthy goods.
2021-03-05 6:27 am
There is protein in plants too, especially beans. Lots of vegetarians are athletes. Do some research and change your diet. 
2021-03-07 4:05 pm
If you have anemia, then you also need to be increasing your IRON intake.   You may want to consider taking an iron supplement.  Feeling drained can be a result of not enough iron as well as not enough protein.  

Here is a link for better eating with fibroids:

BTW - I did have fibroids and after three years of trying to deal with them, I finally opted for the hysterectomy.  I kept my ovaries so that it wouldn't impact my natural hormone levels.  It was the BEST choice I ever made.  I feel SO much better.  
2021-03-06 3:54 am
I have type O blood and i eat ketogenic. Not because of my blood type but because it's a natural diet for humans.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 08:35:59
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