請問they slowly bring home the cart or wagon which is piled up high with the newly mowed hay中的home可以放句尾嗎?....hay home?謝謝?

2021-03-04 8:21 pm

回答 (2)

2021-03-05 4:49 pm
✔ 最佳答案
The verb is followed by an indirect object (IO) and a direct object (DO). The indirect object is equivalent to a prepositional object with  to , with (with) :-eg:-
They slowly bring (home)---S+v
the cart or wagon----phr;(DO)
which is piled up high----adj cl.
with the newly mowed hay-----adj phr----(with=preposition)(IO)
------------------>They slowly bring hay home(=be at home)--(as you one said -->hay home)(IO)
with the cart-----(DO) as one and prisoner would have said.
They slowly bring home hay----(IO)---(correct)
with the cart------>(DO)---(correct)
which is piled up high
with the newly mowed hay
"one " must  not be superfluous with more than is needed or wanted in analyzing a sentence=S-V-O.is more than is needed by one and prisoner.
2021-03-05 7:50 am
放句尾要有前置詞,to,from 之類,這句中home 可有可無,home 是個人性詞,對其他人説沒有意義

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