What type of tape is made to be used in extreme heat (very high temperatures)?

2021-03-04 8:43 am
I'm looking for a very special kind of tape that I can use to hold down a heating resistance chain. The dang Mica that was holding everything together tore, and when I tried to fix it, it just got pulverized into tiny bits and pieces instead. Every time I was trying to insert literally anything that could just barely pierce a tiny hole into it so that I can keep the resistance chain together, the dang thing would just fall apart faster than a wet paper. Although I understand the advantages of using Mica (as it is non-combustible, an insulator as well as a dielectric), I really don't like it. It's giving me a headache and it is extremely sensitive for whatever reason. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

@qrk Thank you so much for your reply! To be on the really safe side, I'm going with a 400 degree limit. I'm certain it won't reach such a high temperature, but better safe than sorry. 

回答 (1)

2021-03-04 10:05 am
✔ 最佳答案
What is the maximum temperature you need? Polyimide. tape is good up to 260°C. Kapton (made by DuPont),  in the family of polyimides, is good up to 400°C. You can find Chinese "Kapton" tape on ebay, but the quality may be shoddy.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 08:33:32
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