Why do Feminists Insist They Only Want Equality?

2021-03-03 7:22 am
Its pretty clear they actually want dominance. 

回答 (21)

2021-03-03 7:40 am
"Why do Feminists Insist They Only Want Equality?"

Because who's going to support a "victim" based ideology that tells us that women are "oppressed" by men and some conspiratorial "Patriarchy" if they also told us the truth about how women here in the first world have had equal Rights and full agency for their entire lives?  Seriously!?!

You will alway notice that feminist will always frame their actions as being in the interest of equality.  But notice how they are all privileges that either exclude men from participating or benefitting equally, OR it is outright discrimination against men so that women can gain an equal outcome without having to compete with equal men through meritous actions.

Those are privileges.  And working toward privilege women over men is a movement of superiority and dominance, NOT equality.
2021-03-03 7:24 am
You don't know what a feminist is.
Feminist - Any man or woman who believes in equal rights for all regardless of their sex.
2021-03-03 10:28 pm
Have you ever seen a feminist demand women sign up for selective service or the draft? Have you ever seen a feminist demand male reporters and staff be in the locker room of the opposite sex, or male corrections officers conduct strip searches on the opposite sex the way women do today? When was the last time you saw a feminist demand mens health receive attention? Are feminists wanting anything in the education system to be addressed to help boys failing the way they did when girls were failing.

There are dozens of double standard that feminism has pushed against men and made them LEGAL. Feminism is not about equality today.
2021-03-03 2:29 pm
Feminists want the violence against women and rapes to end. I think it’s a pretty legitimate request. 
2021-03-03 8:19 am
If feminists honestly acknowledged they wanted advantages for women, it would be much harder to win these advantages.  Feminists get support by claiming falsely claiming they seek equality.    
2021-03-04 12:14 am
I know you can't handle the truth but tha's it, they just want to be treated like society treats men in education, employment as regular human beings, isn't it sad that we had to fight for this equality.  Males have dominated women so why can't we dominate you?  I say the world would be a much better place.  
2021-03-04 6:14 am
Most do, but there are those who want superiority. 
2021-03-03 8:00 am
Although I'm not so sure I disagree with you, "It's pretty clear" is *NOT* the basis of an argument when a large portion of your audience wouldn't agree with you.

For that matter, the ones you disagree with most actually think that all they are asking for is equality.  They're asking for more (in my opinion), but they don't realize they are.

They don't want dominance FROM THEIR POINT OF VIEW, but an ever increasing majority of people feel their view is skewed.

I realize YOU are only trolling, but it's an important distinction:  People aren't acting out of malice here, or some desire to take over the world.  They just don't understand what they have - all they concentrate on is what they want.
2021-03-04 10:13 am
They insist they want equality because they want equality.

You're not likely to have a productive conversation with someone by insisting that they want the opposite of what they believe they want.
2021-03-03 12:23 pm
Feminism is a term we are all familiar with. It is the word we use to perceive equality, to give women a voice, and to make the world listen. It is a word we should be proud to use, a word with meaning. Or, that is what feminism is supposed to be about, that is what it was created for. However, nowadays, there is great confusion surrounding what feminism means.
Feminism is supposed to be a global movement that shares a common goal. It is supposed to advocate equality between men and women and, even though this has been achieved in many parts of the world, there is still inequality to overcome. Feminism does not mean we should all be the same, it simply means we should all be treated as equals. It does not argue that women should be as big and strong as men, it looks beyond our physiological differences and recognizes that, no matter what gender, we all deserve respect. It is about having equal rights, access and opportunities, so that no-one is held back from the life they strive for due to their gender. If you believe in a fair and prosperous world for us all then, frankly, you are a feminist too.According to the Oxford dictionary, feminism is defined as: ‘The advocacy of women’s rights on the ground of the equality of the sexes. ‘Feminism does not require you to hate men and everything they do, or never ask for their help. But luckily, we live in a society where women do not need men, we can do practically anything we desire, completely on our own. Moreover, feminism does not mean that, as a woman, you must reject every form of chivalry, grow out your body hair, refuse to wear bras and swear off make-up. Unless you want to, of course. Feeling ‘feminine’ and dreaming of knights in shining armor are not incompatible with feminism – you can do and be both. So, if you are one of those girls who like to shave, wear pretty clothes, and lipstick, you should be able to do so and still call yourself a feminist.Unfortunately, the terms feminism and feminist also have numerous negative connotations, which is why I do not use them with pride any longer. Feminism has become a dirty word, associated with so-called ‘feminizes’. The term was coined by politically conservative, American radio talk show host, Rush Limbaugh, in the 1990s. In his mind, a ‘feminize’ was ‘a feminist to whom the important thing in life is ensuring that as many abortions as possible occur’. But, nowadays, feminize is used as an insult far more broadly. As Charlotte Proudmanstates, ‘Women do not need to be radical to be called a “feminize”. They simply have to challenge sex inequality. They simply have to challenge sex inequality.’ Not only does this term suggest similarities between feminism and genocide, but it has evolved from describing women who hate all men to any woman who dares to speak out about inequality. It has, in other words, become a catch-all term for describing feminists. Feminize is clearly an inappropriate and offensive word, dividing, denigrating, and alienating those fighting for equality.Sometimes we get so caught up in blaming the other side, we forget to focus on what it is we are actually fighting for equality. Both men and women are at fault here. Blaming all men serves to damage the movement for gender equality by making those men who agree with feminism feel as though their support is unwanted or unneeded. But women need as many allies as they can get. To cast a blanket of blame overall men oversimplifies a complex issue. Yes, we cannot deny the existence of men who rape, grope you on the dance floor (or elsewhere), and believe that women are not fit for positions of power. But we also cannot ignore that many women also hold similar sexist views. The stigmatization of feminism and fear-mongering in relation to gender equality is generated and encouraged by both men and women. (Take the women who voted for Trump, for example). In terms of men’s retaliation, the creation of the concept of ‘meninism’, in reference to a men’s rights movement, completely misses the point of feminism in the first place. It is ridiculous that we have come so far, yet people still do not understand that feminism demands equality with men, not superiority over them.So by definition, yes, I am a feminist. I may not approve of its connotations or the actions of every women’s rights group, but I am a feminist because I believe in inequality between men and women, the equal treatment of all genders in the home, workplace, and society at large. Being a feminist does not mean you hate men, but rather that if you see inequality, you speak up about it.Feminism should not be aggressive or violent; it should inspire, not hate. To be a feminist is to take your intelligence, power, and attributes as an individual and use it to build the life you want. A woman’s role should no longer be dictated by preconceived ideas of what she can or must do. She should not be obliged to cook for her man, nor bear all the responsibility of child care (it is not babysitting if it is your own child, gentlemen). No matter your gender, you should have the opportunity to do whatever you want, take whatever path you see fit.We have come so far in this fight, now is not the time to throw it all away in fury and disappointment. We are not yet where we desire to be, but the way to get there is not through blame and hate. Raise the aspirations of young girls, teach children to respect one another, but most importantly, set an example for the younger generations to follow. If we are to achieve gender equality, we need to work together, and only like that, we can fight against inequality.
2021-03-04 4:10 am
Cause they're SLUTS.
2021-03-03 7:33 am
Well you got that right. B/c males have dominated for far too long.
2021-03-03 11:23 am
Because it is true.  But they want to be the only ones who can say what equality is. 
2021-03-08 9:48 am
Let's have a female-only draft. Let's have women last in the life boats. Let's have primarily women dying in combat roles and let's make women primarily responsible for building and maintaining everything. Men need to abandon the traditional gender roles assigned to them by toxic femininity. Feminists only want the 'good' equality, the kind that doesn't come with accountability, sacrifice or responsibility.
2021-03-07 4:06 am
If you really think about it pretty much every group with a history of being the underdog kind of secretly wants to be in charge for a while. 
2021-03-06 7:08 pm
It's the same with the BLM movement. They only want to dominate. It's not all women who think they are feminists. Most women only want equal pay for equal work. Most women do not think they have equal abilities in all things that men can do. Even Venus and Serena Williams admit they might could beat the men at tennis. But they also admit they would have to work twice as hard as any man to do so. They are admirable women. As they can admit to their weaknesses. They are also awesome tennis players.
2021-03-06 7:57 am
they only want equality on there terms . 
2021-03-06 6:39 am
when the got that they then pushed for superiority

I don't have any children but pay via taxes for day care schooling up to 18 free medical up to 18 Just so women can earn more money than some men
2021-03-05 9:22 am
feminist want to replace the patriarchy with a matriarchy.
2021-03-05 7:09 am
Normal feminists want equality.  But that is what most people want.  Some fake feminists want female domination.  Other fake feminists want biological males who claim to be women to compete in women's sports.  
Maybe we should listen more to the normal people.
2021-03-03 7:31 am
here's who wants "equality" under the guise of feminism: the redneck patriotic junkies.

i think you'll make it in the minefield baby. cause you're beautiful (like no other)

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