Are conservative sites biased?

2021-03-03 2:07 am
I was discussing politics with a friend who quoted a conservative website to make her point. I said that it was biased, and she said that just because it was on a conservative site doesn't mean it's biased. Who's right?

回答 (8)

2021-03-03 2:41 am
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Conservative sites are just as bias as the general media and left leaning sites are. You have to take the info given and trace it back to it's source and such, and then fact check it, get the whole story so to speak. Before takeing it as true. That goes for basically any and all information now days that we receive from our so called news sources. Sad, but true, it is what we have become.
2021-03-03 2:08 am
your right, any sight with a specific political leaning is probably biased, theres a website someone else linked once here that measures that bias
2021-03-03 2:56 am
Conservative sites and liberal sites are definition.
2021-03-03 2:10 am
What's important to do is watch a number of news sites, read, etc. Determine if there is a bias to the right or left. Find what is reporting and not giving opinion (you are going to have Op Eds everywhere, so watch out). 
2021-03-03 2:17 am
Not to the point we censor anybody who doesn't agree with us like liberal sites do....
2021-03-03 2:15 am
Yes, conservative sites are biased, but there’s far more biased liberal sites.    
2021-03-03 2:16 am
It depends on the quote. But generally she is right. Many articles on a conservative site may be biased, same for liberal sites. But it doesn't mean everything on that site is biased. For example, "House passes Relief Bill" may appear on that site. That's not biased.
2021-03-03 2:09 am
Everybody is biased and showing it if they don't wait to gain more information before making a judgment. The Left is notorious for knee-jerk judging. So, are you biased too? Even a kid is taught to be biased.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 08:41:50
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