if the reaction consumes methane gas (CH4) at a rate of 2.62 M/s, what is the rate of formation of H2?

2021-03-02 10:57 am
Assume the reaction vessel has a constant volume of 1L. Plz help and show steps. I know the equation is 3CH4 + 3N2Cl4--->3CCl4+3N2+6H2

回答 (1)

2021-03-02 11:02 am
If 2.62 M/s means 2.62 moles per second, the rate of forming H2 is 5.24 moles per second.  (Two moles of H2 for every 1 mole of CH4.)

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 08:32:26
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