is fingering sexual assault  or rape ?

2021-03-01 5:42 am

回答 (4)

2021-03-01 6:13 am
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In the UK, if a finger (or anything else) penetrates the other person at all, that's rape.
2021-03-01 6:00 am
It's sexual assault.  Juvenile sexual assault, but sexual assault just the same.
2021-03-01 5:49 am
If it’s done without the consent, it is a sexual assault 
2021-03-01 5:48 am
Does it really matter? If it's unwanted and uninvited then it's bad either way. If you're on a college campus, you're pretty f*cked.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 08:32:37
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