Why are ANTIFA still rioting, vandalizing & attacking innocent people?

2021-03-01 1:29 am

Why are you people oblivious to ANTIFA ongoing rioting, vandalizing & attacking innocent people?


Priceless, Dems still living in the lala land calling this "the BIG lie" & "no such thing as ANTIFA".


Why can't Dems back up their claims that ANTIFA hasn't been doing any rioting, vandalizing & attacking innocent people in recent days. Do they need to be spoon feed everything that has been going on in the world? https://cloudhedges.com/2021/02/28/watch-portland-antifa-riot-downtown-businesses-trashed-fist-fights-on-the-street-bike-cops-slamming-into-press/ https://www.foxnews.com/us/tacoma-portland-weekend-violent-antifa-anti-ice-unrest


@Annoyance "ANTIFA has no representation to the democratic party and vice versa" https://noqreport.com/2021/01/18/seven-months-ago-kamala-harris-bailed-out-criminal-rioters-now-she-wants-to-punish-capitol-insurrectionists/


@Obi Wan Knievel what did innocent people and private businesses that have been destroyed by ANTIFA do to deserve this civil unrest?


Jayden X/John Sullivan at capital protests. https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/john-sullivan-insurgence-usa-book

回答 (58)

2021-03-01 1:37 am
✔ 最佳答案
Because they’re low life losers probably with no jobs.

Edit: I don’t get why it’s so hard for left leaning people to just admit they’re a real group and a problem. Are you guys trying to say that it was Trump supporters burning down buildings and looting them? It obviously wasn’t.
2021-03-01 1:30 am
Because you haven't been taking your meds.
2021-03-01 1:42 am
Because they still enjoy rioting and nobody is stopping them.  
2021-03-01 1:57 am
2021-03-01 1:32 am
that doesn't sound like antifa to me. are you confusing antifa with republicans and conservatives? it's a common mistake.
2021-03-01 10:40 am
Because they are leftist terrorists. They want anarchy and the destruction of the USA constitutional system. 
2021-03-01 1:31 am
Haven't seen it in the news, written, cable, or local, So it must not be happening.
2021-03-01 7:14 am
I did see an article, just the other day, stating their donations, from 2020, was something like in the billions..............so, I guess they're still causing havoc until all of the money is gone..................who really knows...................
2021-03-01 1:48 am
They're not. Fake news. A MOVEMENT cannot do any of these things
2021-03-01 2:34 am
Maybe because you are trying to continue a BIG lie. There is no organization called Antifa. There are those who object to fascist groups like white supremacists when they try to disrupt peaceful protest groups they hate. Conservatives use the term Antifa because they falsely feel it justifies their fears and hateful ideas and actions. Where do they meet and who are their leaders?? No answer?? By the way every real American should be anti fascist because it runs direct opposed to democracy. Real American patriots have fought and died fighting fascism all over the world. Any evidence for you assertions? No? I thought not.
2021-03-01 1:31 am

I dunno.

But I would suspect it has something to do with unarmed civilians being murdered and not receiving justice yet. 

No matter how much you try and smooth over all wrongs... theyre wanting what they originally asked for.

🥴 Edit: Its because youre a Trumper and asking. Everything out of your mouth is usually a vindictive lie and condescending.
2021-03-01 2:45 am
Con news & radio jockeys have been perpetuating this egregious lie for 4 years. Everytime something happens, Cons say "Antifa",but the FBI said, there is no proof of that, but known white supremacists were identified in these crowds causing chaos. Facts p*ss you off, I know...... @ken...sorry, bubba, but you are the lala land, dweller.  Do some serious research, not biased news, set yourself free! ...... See! I told you Facts p*ss them off!   Ha, Ha so dumb!
2021-03-01 8:29 pm
Liberal Yahoo news ignores it. Wow
2021-03-01 1:11 pm
Biden and Camel are inciting them to riot.  They both must be impeached immediately.
2021-03-01 1:35 am
I hadn't noticed. I've been too busy trying to repair all the doors and windows broken by Trumpers rioting in the Capitol and wipe all the poop of Trumpers rioting off the walls of the Senate, the House, the Rotunda, and various offices throughout the Capitol from when Trumpers tried to violently overthrow the government last month by breaking into the Capitol and sacking it and when Trumpers tried to hunt down the Vice President and Speaker of the House and murder them to notice.
2021-03-01 2:36 am
When and where do these things happen ? I have no time for imagined attacks and exaggerated events. 
2021-03-01 4:05 pm
Well?  I'm still awaiting the evidence of your claims.  If you don't provide any, your post will just be fake news.  
2021-03-01 7:58 am
Theyre not!! Go inform yourself properly
2021-03-01 5:10 am
Hmmn, this is February 28, 2021 and I haven't heard of ANTIFA for months. All I hear about is the right wing militias: Proud Boys, Boogaloo Bois, QAnon et al.
2021-03-01 11:46 pm
What riots? Has Fox been showing images of Myanmar protests and labeling it “ANTIFA riots in Mayberry” again?
2021-03-01 6:06 am
Why not? We still live in a racist police state. Until every rightwinger and cop is gone they'll still be a reason to riot. 
參考: Antifa sub-commander tank division
2021-03-01 4:01 am
Try white Supremacists.  They win by employing fear tactics.  Low brow grunts.
2021-03-02 5:25 am
Peaceful demonstrations are much better. 
When I was in school we had debate sessions in English class but we did not dress up in sad costumes and intimidate others. 
2021-03-01 9:23 am
Only in your head, sweetheart not in reality
2021-03-01 7:54 am
Because they are getting paid to do so.
2021-03-01 11:25 pm
because the fascist nazi democrats are still paying them to
2021-03-01 7:49 pm
It's the Trump-TIFAS who rioted the Capitol building.
2021-03-01 7:49 am
They like most of the left are mentally unbalanced.
2021-03-01 7:37 am
oh boy the level of bs in the original post alone
2021-03-01 9:01 pm
they like it...we have one here in our town and he is a retard...what else do you call someone calls himself "Wacko"
2021-03-01 5:19 am
Because your pants are on fire. 
2021-03-02 3:48 am
Where is this happening other than the fevered imagination of Fox News writers and far right bloggers looking for hits on their stuff? 

Antifa is an idea, not an organized anything. They are not the problem. Militia groups are. Why not turn your hot little eyes toward that. Scared? You should be. The FBI lists far right groups as dangerous to American everything. Yet...you're here screeching about those who don't like fascism. Um? You dumb or just dumb? 

Article: Right-wing authoritarians are less likely to update false beliefs after corrective feedback, study finds
"New research has found that right-wing authoritarians tend to be less successful at correcting erroneous beliefs than others. The study, published in Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, provides evidence that cognitive factors, such as a general aversion to new information, are related authoritarian attitudes.
“I first became interested in this topic because of the pervasive effects of misinformation. I found it fascinating that people can hold false memories and beliefs that are so remarkably resistant to change,” said study author Alyssa (Allie) Sinclair, a PhD student at Duke University.
“Misinformation in the media has serious consequences for public health, politics, and the environment. If we encounter misinformation that is later retracted, we need to be able to correct our false beliefs. For example, in the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic, Americans received conflicting information about the costs and benefits of wearing masks. Even though science has now clearly shown that wearing masks helps reduce disease transmission, many people still hold onto their false beliefs based on outdated information.”"
Link: https://(dot)www.google(dot)com/amp/s/www.psypost(dot)org/2020/08/right-wing-authoritarians-are-less-likely-to-update-false-beliefs-after-corrective-feedback-study-finds-57674/amp
2021-03-01 5:52 pm
because the democrats want them to continue tearing down society, so that they can abolish the constitution and establish kamala as a communist dictator
2021-03-01 8:31 am
They never did and aren't doing it now, sweetie.

Honey, do you seriously think anyone's going to fall for this childish rubbish?
2021-03-02 1:29 am
Because you have a very rich imagination?
2021-03-01 9:28 pm
Because, unlike trumpies, we are not a party arm 
2021-03-01 9:11 am
How do you know they were,"innocent"?
2021-03-01 5:34 am
Maybe because they've been hijacked and infiltrated by the government to be turned into proxy army controlled opposition. They did that enough with right wingers, too. Isn't it sad if you have a conservative group that questions the government, and they shut you down by infiltrating your group with racists and flat earthers?
They've been doing it to people in the middle east, South America, Africa, and even here-right AND left. They want to infiltrate every opposition group with radicals to undermine our authority and make any "conspiracy theorist" a target for extermination.
2021-03-02 2:33 am
You got RECEIPTS for that crap you're talking, Qtard?
2021-03-02 7:47 pm
Again only the highly intelligent 'Trumpeters' still believe that Antifa is an actual organization.  See Hitler said keep repeating your lie and more people over time will believe it.  As usual the Republelicons lie and the intelligent masses they command, with mere thought fall in line like perfectly arranged domino's.  Nothing a little education combined with pride wouldn't repair.
2021-03-02 3:38 am
Is there an anti fascist organization in the United States other than the American military who fought the nazi fascists during WW2?  Who is their leader and what is his address?  I want to send a donation and thank them for their service.

Nazi fascists maggots must be destroyed !
2021-03-02 12:10 am
They are not innocent if you do harm or damage you are guilty whether it's trump or
a far left liberal group comiting crimes lock him and them up ! 
2021-03-01 10:43 pm
Stop spreading rumors, the Election is Over.
The most popular president, ever.

BLM & Antifa are (the cadre, I mean) are employees of the Democratic Party. The rest are thugs taking advantage of the local situation.

"Peaceful Protests" will end soon, as promised by our most popular president, Ever. Or president Harris will end it.
2021-03-01 10:40 pm
Because that's what they like to do.
2021-03-01 6:53 am
The rescue government like this tactic. It makes them feel like we needvthem to rescue us.
2021-03-02 3:20 am
Because they enjoy it
2021-03-03 1:57 am
I'm not sure if Antifa has involvement with such behavior.  However, pertaining to the deadly riots that occurred at the Capitol building on January 6, there seems to be a lot of deflecting from certain individuals who identify with the Republican party by putting forth the argument that Antifa was involved that day.  Those who identify with the Democratic party would *not* want to stop counting the votes for president when they're own political party has won.  
2021-03-02 8:50 pm
It's your fantasy - you tell us.
2021-03-02 1:25 pm
ANTIFA is one thing so proper grammar would be "Why IS ANTIFA ..." 
2021-03-02 1:14 pm
Thats what they do. They are the worst people on the planet
2021-03-02 10:47 am
Just arrest the leader of ANTIFA. Problem solved. What's his or her name again?
2021-03-02 2:58 am
because nobody is gunning them down in the streets! do you know how you end a virus! YOU KILL A VIRUS!!!!
they will stop when they are DEAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2021-03-02 7:13 am
Because it's what they do. They don't know any better.
2021-03-01 11:48 pm
Because it's fun.
2021-03-02 3:54 pm
This virus will do the job. You aint seen nothing yet!  Payback time the meek shall inherit the earth. The world will be a better place without the human race. We had our chance to live in peace and harmony but with certain rules. Broke everyone of the them. Chaos can only lead to destruction. These misguided fools will pay the ultimate price VIRUS.
2021-03-03 12:35 am
You ask this question as if ANTIFA has any goals or agenda beyond rioting, looting and attacking innocent people for no discernable reason.  

Do you also happen to believe in the Tooth Fairy, the Easter Bunny and the Slender Guy?  Just asking, no reason. 
2021-03-02 11:41 pm
@Axiom "Wrong colour $hit for brains" revert to insults when nothing to say. 
2021-03-02 10:07 pm
Wrong colour $hit for brains. The Scum that attempted the coup were all Far right WHITE TRASH.

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