Would you walk away from the truth?

2021-02-28 8:54 pm
Would you walk away from the truth?

For example, would you walk away from your true image?

Your true image, reflection is built on your actions. It means that your actions do reflect on you and your image.

Many of us when faced with the true reflection would rather walk away from it and would rather live a lie instead. Why? Well, because their true reflection is so ugly because of their ugly actions they would rather live a lie (false image) than live with the consequences of their actions. If you do not want to be ugly then you should not do ugly things. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fAuWwFiqK2c&feature=emb_logo

Your image, reflection is like a home for your mind, soul. What it means is that your image is built on the same principle as the house is. And if a house is built on a lie, bad foundation then that house can collapse not only on those who live in that house but also it can collapse on those who are around it. And because of that event they can get injured, become homeless aka ghost, and much more.

Don't forget, those who walk away from the truth are walking into hell. What is hell? Hell is a place that you do not want to be in. You do not feel good in it, you feel depressed,lost and so on. (For example, hell could be your true image). Heaven is the other way around. Some of us went through hell already so others don’t have to. We can learn from them or we can go through hell ourselves.

After I told you all of this would you still walk away from the truth?

回答 (1)

2021-02-28 9:02 pm
Christian hell is imaginary. It's the stick in Christianity's childish carrot or stick approach to life.

Yes one must be honest with oneself

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 22:44:03
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