
2021-02-28 6:45 pm

回答 (6)

2021-03-01 11:07 pm
Please take note, when you pick up, that your shipment has been separated into TWO cartons to observe the size limitations for the delivery to convenience stores (7-11 stores).

We will ensure the proper packaging before the shipment.

3.已寄出 請留意
Please note that your order has been shipped (to the carrier).
2021-03-08 6:32 pm
The package exceeds the size limit per 7-11 regulation; and is split into two.  Make sure you pick up both. 
2.會幫您妥善包裝 -- They'll be packed with care.更新:3.已寄出 請留意 -- Please note that they are on their way.  
2021-03-01 3:24 pm
1,Because there is upper limit volume of 7-11 convenient store , the large parcel is not allowed.

2, So we pack two parcels separately, please be notified while receiving it.

3,The goods have been delivered. If any question , please be free to contact us.
2021-02-28 7:31 pm
(1)  Since the 7-11 convenient store has volume packaging restrictions, we can not send large pieces.,
Attention to receive 2 pieces of packages.

(2). The 7-11 convenient store will manage to pack and send properly

(3)  Please be advised that the packages are dispatched..
2021-03-02 2:02 pm
1. Please be aware of the delivery is separated in 2 packages due to 7-11's package size policy.
2.Your goods are properly wrapped.
3.Please note your packages have been submitted and on the way.
2021-03-01 11:24 am
1. Due to package restriction of 7-11, cannot send in one big package, send in two boxes.
2. Items(你沒說明貨品是甚麼或分別兩包是甚麼內容) are packed properly.
3. Note they have sent to you ready.

收錄日期: 2021-04-11 23:27:27
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