Will former U.S. President Donald Trump won't be re-elected again in 2024?

2021-02-28 3:46 am

He was already been elected as the U.S. President and he ran the White House in the past four years. 

回答 (16)

2021-02-28 4:10 am
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I guarantee Dump will never be president again and I want you to remember that I told you so.
2021-02-28 3:57 am
He will probably bet dead by then. He's already a relic.
2021-02-28 3:53 am
will he won't be elected. hooray for our educational system.
2021-02-28 3:50 am
will wont huh..................
2021-02-28 4:01 am
Considering the numerous state and federal investigations ongoing against him I doubt if he will even be eligible to run.
2021-03-01 2:52 am
Shut up and don't ask questions 
2021-02-28 3:56 am
im waiting for what develops now that citizen trump is no longer protected by the office ... it will be comical for me to see people continue to gravitate to an image getting pelted w/ unsavory facts that develop toward criminality ... wait and see, i'm not a super human who can accurately predict the future ... you gotta pay for that by hiring a psychic, cheapskate ... lol
2021-02-28 4:18 am
He won't survive another three years of eating just McDonalds
2021-02-28 3:47 am
I doubt it, he lost a lot of supporters in 2020 and even before that, around the time he started bombing syria like biden
2021-02-28 3:57 am
Wait and see. After all the f------ up things Biden and soon Harris do, Democrats will lose big time.
2021-03-01 9:36 pm
Depends how the economy will turn out.  He may not run but maybe someone like him will especially if the Democrats don't deliver what they promised.
2021-03-01 9:24 am
it depends on how agregious his tax avoidances were and how the economy does with biden. i think he will run again if his tax avoidances were aggressive and questionable but not bad enough to be put on trail, if his avoidances are bad enough to cause possible jail time, his efforts will be fully consumed by legal battles. presuming his tax avoidances arent bad enough to get him prosecuted, it depends on who the other republicans in the primary are, how sucessful he is in terms of staying in the news and how the economy does under biden. but yes he will at the minimum run in the primaries again if his tax avoidances are not too agregious.
2021-02-28 10:58 am
If what Trump says is true with the election being rigged. Then no he'll never be elected again as president. Also his supporters won't be motivated in voting in a rigged election. 
2021-03-01 6:00 pm
when you have voters of the idiot left where spelling a five letter name correctly is an extreme challenge, anything can happen.  look no further than the answers here if you have any doubts.  its called low information liberal voting for a reason and carries and cancerous effect
2021-03-01 3:44 am
N0 he is labeled a racist ounce that happens its over for good 
2021-03-01 1:00 am
With so many lawsuits running against him, I feel that there is a better possibility of him wearing prison orange and selling his virtue for cigarettes before even winning another election.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 08:33:03
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