Physics problem:?

2021-02-27 10:00 pm
I don't know how to find the period and (b), thanks

回答 (2)

2021-02-27 10:27 pm
✔ 最佳答案
6360 m/s, 9840 km ?? a bit blurry.

circumference of orbit is πd = 2πr = 2π(9,840,000 m) = 61,830,000 m

61,830,000 m / 6360 m/s = 9721 sec

1 circumference = 2π rad
1 circum / 9721 s x (2π rad/circum) = 0.0006463 rad/s

(45º/360º)61,830,000 m = 7,729,000 m
2021-02-27 11:46 pm
angular speed ω = V/r =6,360 m/sec  / (9.84*10^6) m = 6.463*10^-4 rad/sec = 2PI/Tperiod T = 2PI/ ω = 6.2832*10^4/6.463 = 9,722  sec bdistance = 2PI*r/8 = 9840*3.1416/4 = 7,728 km   

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 08:31:51
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