Physics: how to do, thanks?

2021-02-27 8:01 pm

回答 (1)

2021-02-27 8:33 pm
✔ 最佳答案
time to fall 1.2 m = √(2h/g) = √(2•1.2/9.8) = 0.495 s
distance to P = 2 m/s x 0.495 s = 0.990 m
vertical speed on hitting the ground v = √(2gh) = √(2•9.8•1.2) = 4.85 m/s
vertical speed after hitting = 0.9•4.85 = 4.36 m/s
time to reach second peak = t = v/g = 4.36/9.8 = 0.445 s
time to fall from second peak is same = 0.445 s
time in air after bounce = 2•0.445 = 0.891 s
distance PQ = 2 m/s x 0.891 s = 1.78 m

falling object starting from rest or reverse
h is height in meters, t is time falling in seconds,
g is acceleration of gravity, usually 9.8 m/s²
v is velocity in m/s
h = ½gt²
t = √(2h/g)
v = √(2gh)
h = v²/2g
v = gt

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 08:31:54
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