What do you think Trump will say during his CPAC speech on Sunday?

2021-02-26 12:46 am
Will it unite the Republican Party or drive the wedge deeper between Trump supporters and never Trumpers?

回答 (7)

2021-02-26 12:55 am
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Trump has a one track mind these days.  Wherever he begins, within 60 seconds Trump will shift his commentary to talking about himself and how bad he felt when he saw he was losing the election and how that proves he was robbed.  This shift in topic was what Trump did when commenting to Fox about the death of Limbaugh.
2021-02-26 1:02 am
Depends on whether or not he can stick to his teleprompter.  Certainly his speech is going to be a laundry list of his personal grievances and enemies and include plenty of unfounded b.s. about the election, the media, Hillary and Democrats.  It's very likely he'll also go off-script and engage in a long-winded, unhinged rant like the one he gave at Turning Point USA recently.  Remember this?
“I’ve studied it better than anybody I know.  I never understood wind. You know, I know windmills very much. They’re noisy. They kill the birds. You want to see a bird graveyard? Go under a windmill someday. You’ll see more birds than you’ve ever seen in your life.  They’re made in China and Germany mostly.  But they’re manufactured tremendous if you’re into this, tremendous fumes. Gases are spewing into the atmosphere. You know we have a world, right? So the world is tiny compared to the universe. So tremendous, tremendous amount of fumes and everything.  You talk about the carbon footprint, fumes are spewing into the air, right? Spewing. Whether it’s in China, Germany, it’s going into the air. It’s our air, their air, everything, right?  You see all those [windmills]. They’re all different shades of color.  They’re like sort of white, but one is like an orange-white. It’s my favorite color, orange.”
2021-02-26 1:01 am
Millions of the best, bigliest words anyone's ever heard, and GOP zombies present will all fall in line to support him. That's one heluva cult he's got.
2021-02-26 12:48 am
I believe the majority of elected officials in attendance could givashit about him. They are only "kissing his ring" because it will affect them positively come re-election time. I give it to the Republicans with "balls" who are sticking to their morals. 
2021-02-28 7:20 am
The cuckservatives will do anything to try to hang onto their jobs; if only for another term. To that end they'll blithely ingratiate themselves to the cuckroach rank and file, what ever it takes. They'll happily follow rump. 
2021-02-26 12:51 am
I will find out when he speaks.
2021-02-26 12:50 am
Trump will easily win in 2024. Where's our checks Joe? 

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 08:32:37
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