If I was described as a banana, how ripe would I be?

2021-02-24 7:36 pm
I am 29 years old?
Green all the way being obviously a baby, brown being still young but itching up to middle aged and black or rotten being very old? 

回答 (5)

2021-03-02 3:24 am
That would mean you are retarded. SMH
2021-02-24 11:37 pm
i would need to peel you and put you in my mouth and taste you
2021-03-27 6:09 am
There are way too many other factors to make such a silly assessment. Like, are you in shape? Do you have any diseases? Do you have any medical conditions that would affect your life expectancy? Though, if you're asking such a silly question, I would assume you're pretty green.
2021-03-08 8:58 pm
You don't know how things work do you
2021-02-24 7:50 pm

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