
2021-02-23 4:18 pm
She is no more beautiful than Mary.我的理解是:如果Mary那樣稱得上是漂亮的話,那麼她也不能再比Mary那樣更漂亮了。而事實上Mary的樣子稱不上漂亮,而她也就談不上漂亮了。所以Mary和她都不漂亮。問題出現了哦~請問大大們,該怎麼翻成英文?If Mary is beautiful, then she should be no more beautiful than Mary.But actually Mary isn't beautiful at all, not to speak of her.Neither Mary nor she is beautiful.甘安捏?

回答 (2)

2021-02-23 10:28 pm
Error and correction:-
not to speak of her=not to speak of Sofa
Sofa said that:-
She is no more beautiful than Mary=
Adv phrase---->no more beautiful than
=more beautiful than not
=should be no more beautiful than---------(0)
=only as far beautiful as
------isn't beau=isn't beauty
She is no more beau than the Mary's-----(1)
----If both=both-----------------------------------(2)
----If Sofa=Mary----------------------------------(3)
Then Neither Sofa nor Mary is beauty
2021-02-24 1:37 am
If Mary is so beautiful, then she can't be more beautiful than Mary. In fact, Mary's appearance is not beautiful, and she is not beautiful. So neither Mary nor her are pretty. There is a problem~ How can I translate it into English? If Mary is


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