Are There Any Modern Day Pharisees?

2021-02-23 6:41 am
Those who condemn through legalism while actually refusing to love?

Sorry, I didn't ask this question to start an argument between Reb and Tee.  I was asking an honest question.  Somebody else will get best answer.

回答 (8)

2021-02-24 6:51 am
✔ 最佳答案
Does the sun set in the west?  Yes, you'll find them in most (probably every) church.
2021-02-23 6:42 am
Yes, pick just about any church organization's leadership.
2021-02-23 6:45 am
They are called "Republicans" today.
2021-02-24 9:08 pm
Edit: If he thinks that there are “so many errors”. I would suggest doing some independent research on what I have said and not rely on the teachings of the ‘organization’ which even their founder told them to beware of.
For anyone to support a principle that informs them that ‘shunning’ their own children/family members for not wishing to believe the same as they do is not love, it is abuse. As I stated that is why they were in court in Brussels last week.
The good news is many are finding the truth and leaving the organization. Over 59,000 ex JW’s on this site alone.
Visit and read their heart-breaking stories.

In answer to your question David, first, we must ask who were the Pharisees, what did they believe and why were they condemned by Jesus?
The Pharisees were members of a party that believed in resurrection and in following legal traditions that were ascribed not to the Bible but to “the traditions of the fathers.” Like the scribes, they were also well-known legal experts.
The problem that Jesus had with them was that they could be summed up in one word ‘Legalistic’.
One of the reasons that Jesus condemned the Pharisees was that they placed unrealistic. Legal demands on people. Does the ‘watchtower society’ of JW’s do this?
The JW Teem in his answer makes the following statement:
“As shown by at least one comment, Jehovah's Witnesses are falsely accused of being 'modern day pharisees'”.
He goes on to conclude that the ‘Real Truth’ is:
“Jehovah's Witnesses are some of the most loving people on the planet”.
Wow! Quite a statement. Out of all the 7 billion people on planet earth, the 7 million JW’s are some of the most loving! That would represent only 0.1% worldwide in their capacity to love. But can teem’s statement be supported by the facts?
He then continues to provide a list of requirements he believes are essential for a ‘True Christian’:
The list that teem supplies can be found in any Christian congregation worldwide.
He says of true Christians, that they “Go, therefore, and make disciples of people of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the holy spirit”.
True Christians have been doing that for 2000 years. Long, long, before the JW’s arrived on the scene in the late 1800’s. But notice that part “baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the holy spirit”. Do the Watchtower society follow that formula of baptism that teem presents from the scripture?
The Watchtower originally followed (Matthew 28:19), with baptism "in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the holy spirit." In 1985, the baptismal question replaced the holy spirit with the ‘spirit-directed Organization’. In 2019, in blatant disregard for Jesus' words, reference to the holy spirit was completely removed shackling people to a manmade organization. This is Legalism.
He goes on to say in his list. “All of God's commandments includes 'removing the unrepentant sinner from our midst.”
Teem here is presenting the JW policy of ‘Disfellowshipping’ In the JW congregation that means a disfellowshipped person is to be ‘shunned’ by family and friends, this practice is not just for ‘unrepentant sinners’ as teem calls them but is also reserved for people who no longer wish to be JW’s. This practice is considered by many to be a violation of basic human rights. And has led to the break-down of marriages, breakdown of normal family life, breakdown of friendships and in many cases suicide. The latest being the suicide of one of the Governing Body members own nephew.
Also, the Watchtower society was in court last week in Brussels for the practice of Disfellowshipping.
This is legalism, and the main reason that many who no longer hold to the faith of the JW’s remain in the organization because of the fear of losing the natural fellowship and relationships with members of their families and friends.
Thus, the JW’s are modern day Pharisees, and teem’s statement “Our love for Jehovah, our love for Jesus, our love for our brothers and sister, and our love for our neighbours is the root of all our dealings.” Is totally conditional, upon one becoming and remaining a JW.
And we are expected to believe that this is the practice of some of the most loving people on the planet ????
2021-02-23 7:17 am
The jehovah's witnesses.

They don't know what love is.
2021-02-23 6:52 am
The entire republiqan party.
2021-02-23 9:27 am
All Christians
2021-02-24 1:04 am
Edit:  So many words and so many errors.

"Jesus' problem with the Pharisees was their sticking to human tradition."

This is a true statement.

But what this commenter doesn't tell you is.

Disfellowshipping is not a 'human tradition'.

The 'human tradition' is to ignore Jesus' word at

“17 If he does not listen to them, speak to the congregation. If he does not listen even to the congregation, let him be to you just as a man of the nations and as a tax collector.” (Matthew 18:17)

In his discussion he totally ignores Jesus', Paul's and John's statements, and thus he doesn't believe in ALL THE THINGS Jesus and God commands.

In HIS excuse of love, he is promoting his own teachings and not those of Christ.

In this he is acting as the Pharisee and not Christ. [their traditions made the word of God invalid.]

And he is correct when he said, people have been preaching Christ for 2,000 years.

But since they do not observe all the things Jesus taught, these ones are not teaching people to observe ALL the things he has commanded.

These ones have let 'human traditions' creep into their worship making their worship in vain for they worship who and what they do not know.


As shown by at least one comment, Jehovah's Witnesses are falsely accused of being 'modern day pharisees'.

From previous comments by the one asking this question, he too believes Jehovah's Witnesses are modern pharisees.

And yet the real truth is:

Jehovah's Witnesses are some of the most loving people on the planet.

Our love for Jehovah, our love for Jesus, our love for our brothers and sister, and our love for our neighbors is the root of all our dealings.

Our love for Jehovah and Jesus move us to be obedient in all things.

“3 For this is what the love of God means, that we observe his commandments; and yet his commandments are not burdensome,” (1 John 5:3)

Jesus tells us:
"19 Go, therefore, and make disciples of people of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the holy spirit, 20 teaching them to observe all the things I have commanded you. And look! I am with you all the days until the conclusion of the system of things.” (Matthew 28:19-20)

Thus true Christians observe and obey all of God's commands. Not just the ones we agree with.

All of God's commandments includes 'removing the unrepentant sinner from our mist.'

“12 For what do I have to do with judging those outside? Do you not judge those inside, 13 while God judges those outside? “Remove the wicked person from among yourselves.”” (1 Corinthians 5:12, 13)

The apostle John tells us: “11 For the one who says a greeting to him is a sharer in his wicked works.” (2 John 11)

Christians are under the new covenant, a covenant is a legal agreement.

Christians are bought by God, through the blood of his Son.

As slaves of God it is our joy and obligation to be obedient in ALL things.

As children of God it is our joy and obligation to be obedient in All things.

As Christians we have the same mind of Christ, who tells us 'the doing of God's will was as food for him.'

True Christians are not 'forgetful hearers, but doer's of God's will'.

True Christians do not 'pick and choose' which commandments they want to obey.

Those who have greater love of friends and family are not worthy of God or his Christ.

“37 Whoever has greater affection for father or mother than for me is not worthy of me; and whoever has greater affection for son or daughter than for me is not worthy of me.” (Matthew 10:37).

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