Am I paying too much for car insurance on my vehicle?

2021-02-22 12:49 am
I have a 1997 Chevrolet S10 extended cab 3 door and I've had it for almost four years but my insurance keeps going up on it every year it seems and right now my insurance for that truck is $362 so yeah my question is am I paying way too much for this truck I live on my own I have my own place and I don't have just a truck I have a car as well, to me I think I'm paying way too much for it but I want to mention that almost two years ago I had a fender bender with someone at night when I was backing out and put a big dent in the rear fender but that person was parked in a non parking Zone so basically it was his fault that the accident happened and I did not see the truck there. And of course I went and told the guy and apparently his insurance covered it and I had to report to my insurance agent what happened and ever since then like I said the insurance on that truck keeps going up and I'm thinking I need to find another insurance agent.

Sorry I forgot to mention that I pay every 6 months


I live in Kansas and I only have liability


$362 every six months

回答 (12)

2021-02-22 2:20 am
You need liability only and compare at least 3 companies every 6 months. State Farm, Geico and someone else.
2021-02-22 10:01 pm
The only way to tell if you are "paying too much" for insurance is to get quotes from other insurance companies.

$362 a month or for 6 months or for one year ????

BTW, That backing accident you had was YOUR fault.  It doesn't matter that the other vehicle was parked illegally or even upside down in the middle of an intersection.  If you back into the vehicle, you are liable.
2021-02-22 3:28 am
Go to car insurance comparison sites. See example.
2021-02-23 7:17 pm
No one likes to pay more for auto insurance than they have to but you may be paying a higher premium than is necessary. Auto insurance premiums are rated by insurance companies based on several key criteria; the vehicle's make and model, safety features, usage and driver information including tickets and accidents.
2021-02-23 7:53 am
I pay $600 a year on my 95 Plymouth van .
Age is also a factor. Under 25 and you'll pay more.
2021-02-23 3:11 am
 60 bucks a month is cheap . 
2021-02-22 7:11 am
Not if you live where that is the price.  It would have helped if you said whether you meant $362 a month or $362 a year, but it doesn't change the answer.  There are places where $362 a month is too little, and there are places where $362 a year is about right.  Any number could be right, somewhere.

If you don't live where that is the price, then you're paying either too much or too little; it could be either, depending on where you do live.
2021-02-25 12:32 pm
Your age and sex has a lot to do with it.  Guys get hit harder than girls...because they can earn more money than girls perhaps?   But guys tend to have more accidents than girls 18 up to and including age 25.  Statistics show that to be true.  This is a continuous  model they run .  $724 is cheap per year.   I am over 25 & my insurance is$1200 on a 4 door van.  It has always been that costly.   It goes up because the number of claims goes up on costlier vehicles and many SUE which cost insurance even more money. Somebody has to pay so everybody who drives a car pays.   Then there is inflation with the cost of repairs going up and the cost of replacement parts going up and the workmen doing the work want higher wages.
It is LIFE.  Grin and bear it or stop driving.  Your choice.
2021-02-23 11:15 am
Jesus.  If you're going to write a mini-novel, there's this thing called punctuation.  Learn it, know it, use it.

And hell yes you're paying way too much for car insurance.  There isn't a single insured person on the planet who isn't paying too much for car insurance.  Go ahead, ask absolutely everybody if you don't believe me!  
2021-02-22 6:08 am
Without knowing where you are this is impossible to answer.  Without knowing your policy limits this is impossible to answer.  I see a lot of insurance claims, and I don't understand your "basically it was his fault" statement when you backed into a parked vehicle whether it was legally parked or not.  One way or the other - legally parked/illegally parked - there is an expectation that you will look before you back up.  You "did not see the truck there" but it's his fault?
Again, where and what are the policy limits?  It's different if you carry one million in liability or twenty thousand in liability.
2021-02-22 1:24 am
Insurance agents should be checking all the companies rates that offer car and truck insurance. That's the reason to have an insurance agent in the first place. On a truck that old you should only have liability insurance on it. Progressive gives me great deals.
2021-02-22 12:52 am
Drop 300 dollars and it might be right

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 08:41:02
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