Any jack in the box employees that can help me?

2021-02-21 5:59 am
I recently got a job at jack in the box and the handbook said that payday is every 6th and 20th of each month. I haven’t gotten paid yet so I don’t exactly know what to do. Any jack in the box employees in the Las Vegas area that can help me or give me some information? 

回答 (3)

2021-02-21 8:49 pm
You start by understanding fast food places get paid every 2 weeks on a given day of the week, NOT on specific days of the month.
Then you learn that REAL employees talk to the manager about such questions.
2021-02-21 9:04 am
I don't work for Jack in the Box.  Ask the Manager.
2021-02-21 9:04 am
You should just go and ask the manager. 

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 08:34:11
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