Do you use shampoo every time you shower?

回答 (55)

2021-02-25 12:39 am
Nope, I shampoo every two to three days depending on how greasy my hair gets or how much spray I've used. The days I am not shampooing I use apple cider vinegar rinse from creme of nature, or head and shoulders moisturizing cleansing conditioner. There is no need to shampoo everyday as these products cleanse just as well. 
2021-02-21 2:45 am
The more often you wash your hair, the less "product" you need to use to remove accumulated dirt, oils and dead skin.  I shower daily therefore use just a tiny dab of shampoo  (the labels recommend much more and even that you shampoo twice . . . . they just want to sell more shampoo).
2021-02-21 2:34 am
Yes. The scalp is nothing more than skin and produces the same oil and sweat the rest of the body's skin produces. A dirty build up of oil, sweat and dead skin can lead to unhealthy skin everywhere including the skin of your scalp. Scalp build up can lead to several different scalp problems including dandruff and dermatitis. Not washing the scalp is as foolish as showering without washing your back or neck or stinky parts. 
2021-02-21 1:31 pm
I shower everyday but I don't wash my hair everyday, so I use a shower cap on my hair.
2021-02-26 9:37 am
i have curly hair and i shampoo and condition once a week and every other day i use a cleansing conditioner on my hair so it doesn’t get greasy, and looks and smells clean❤️ i put a pic to show my curl
2021-02-25 9:51 am
Not every time, every two or three days. It depends on how your scalp produces the oils. 
2021-02-22 6:44 pm
90% of the time ... the 10% is when the shower is prior to bed ,,
, wet hair tends to dampen the pillow cases and is not comfortable
2021-02-22 10:47 am
Yes. I have short hair and wash my head and hair day by day utilizing cleanser, not shower cleanser.
2021-02-21 9:46 am
No i only shampoo once or twice a week
2021-02-21 3:53 am
Yep. Every time.
2021-02-21 4:19 am
Nope. Dries out your hair and causes split ends. Once or twice a week is plenty.
2021-02-21 3:15 am
I never shower but I wash my hair in the bath 
2021-02-21 11:31 am
i don't work so I rarely bathe and wear hats so i don't have to wash my hair
2021-02-21 2:42 am
I try to avoid shampoo and conditioner. I like playing white Ivory soap not the crap that has chemicals and perfumes and lotions. I want my body and my hair actually clean.
2021-03-26 10:24 am
Not every time as I shower twice a day.
2021-02-28 1:46 am
Shower? That’s assuming a lot.
2021-02-27 5:04 am
Absolutely!  However, I do have a surgery coming up and I will have to apply Hibiclens the day of surgery - so I won't be washing my hair at this time.
2021-02-26 10:57 pm
Not every time, every 1 or 2 days.
2021-02-26 10:21 am
I shampoo once a week to save money
2021-02-26 8:21 am
Never, my hair doesnt need shampoo daily. Not only is that a waste it ruins your hair. Drying it out with added chemicals. 
2021-02-26 12:56 am
No. I wash my hair 1-2 times a week.
2021-02-25 10:55 am
Yes. Cause what would be the point, not cleaning yourself when you take a shower?
2021-02-25 3:12 am
Actually, I rarely use conditioner. I have super oily hair and an itchy head, so I use T-Gel. I haven't used conditioner for a very long time. I only use shampoo whenever I shower.
2021-02-25 2:15 am
yes i use everyday
參考: Yes i use
2021-02-24 2:49 pm
 some timesno lmao
2021-02-24 10:53 am
The rivers run red with the blood of my enemies
2021-02-24 10:04 am
I shower everyday but only shampoo 3-4 times a week, depends on how oily hair is. I always use a quarter size of shampoo. I condition everyday and let it sit in hair for 10 minutes. 
2021-02-23 11:58 pm
The more regularly you wash your hair, the less "item" you need to use to eliminate aggregated soil, oils, and dead skin. I shower day by day in this manner utilize only a little spot of cleanser (the names suggest significantly more and even that you cleanser twice . . . . they simply need to sell more cleanser).
2021-02-23 10:53 pm
 I use the Same  soap on  Head,   feet,  and everything  between,   always have and always  will, 
2021-02-23 10:15 am
Yes i will do ...
2021-02-23 6:03 am
I wash mine every other day. Otherwise it gets too dried out.
2021-02-23 12:59 am
yes . i am all time shampoo user
2021-02-22 10:52 pm
Yes i do. My scalp feels itchy when i don't.
2021-02-22 10:49 pm
Yes. With my hair type, it needs to be washed every day.
2021-02-22 10:14 pm
Only when it gets oily
2021-02-22 1:57 pm
Of course i do otherwise it is only half a job 
2021-02-22 12:52 pm
Hi Peaceful heart,
hope you are doing great.

It feels like my shower is not complete without shampooing my hair. I can't leave the bathroom without shampooing and conditioning my hair. I don't know why others can manage without everyday shampoo. But as for me, I find nothing wrong with shampooing every day. My hair remains healthy and shiny. I do the regular hot oil treatment and home remedies aside from daily hair conditioning and shampooing.:)
2021-02-22 11:55 am
It has been 2 months so yeah, when I DECIDE I want to shower.
2021-02-22 11:19 am
I use shampoo and Zote Mexican soap because I have oily hair and it takes the oil right out.
2021-02-22 10:19 am
Yes, I just did it
2021-02-22 10:00 am
No I use shampoo every time I was my hair and I do not was my hair every time I shower.
2021-02-22 9:48 am
I have no need for shampoo
2021-02-21 11:34 pm
Yes. I have short hair and wash my head and hair daily using shampoo, not shower soap. 

Anonymous is right about a little shampoo going a long way. A bottle with 1 part shampoo to 5 parts water lasts almost as long as a bottle of undiluted shampoo. So if you use diluted shampoo, then each bottle lasts about 5 times as long. 
2021-02-21 8:16 pm
Use body wash is fine
2021-02-21 7:49 pm
 i showar everyday bat do't use shampoo every time
2021-02-21 7:25 pm
Yes twice            
2021-02-21 5:20 pm
i use every time i wash my hair but dont wash your hair every day
2021-02-21 3:27 pm
It really depends on what kind of hair you have and how oily your scalp gets. If you shampoo every day, it will strip your scalp of all its natural oils.
2021-02-21 1:52 pm
Try not to shampoo every day, as washing too frequently can strip the hair, leaving it brittle and prone to breakage. Aim to wash every other day at the most, or wait a few days between shampoos if you're able.
2021-02-21 7:53 am
Yes and my hair is dry but i don't feel like its clean if i don't shampoo it.
2021-02-21 3:56 am
No, every other day. Daily would dry my scalp out too much.
2021-02-22 2:19 am
chemical are very harmful to our body. so, everyday don't use shampoo as a chemical product. It cause hair fall. I use shampoo twice within a week.
2021-02-21 2:38 am
no. I've been using conditioner. 
2021-02-24 4:40 pm
no I use dirtty mud, vinegar and parsley for good presentation and scent
2021-02-21 9:20 am
yes i do and i take a bath not a shower, i am scared of showers

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