What should have Ted Cruz been doing instead of going to Cancun?

2021-02-20 7:41 am
I remember hearing that Beto O'Rourk was taking part in a phone bank, calling senior citizens to make sure they were okay.

Okay, did some checking and found out Beto set up the phone bank, and worked with AOC to raise over $4,000,000 in relief funds.

回答 (3)

2021-02-20 11:10 pm
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Cruz has countless resources at his disposal that could provide relief for victims. It's his job. He's supposed to know best how to do it. Cancun was not part of it.
2021-02-20 4:48 pm
Doing whatever he could do for his constituents, not baling on them.
He got busted. Selfish behavior from a servant of the people.
2021-02-20 11:01 am
Ummm, maybe sourcing donations of warm clothing, blankets,, coats from Big Co to distribute to the homeless and elderly.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 08:30:23
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