Are people really going back to the moon in 2024?

2021-02-20 6:57 am
That's what I hear and read all the time. How far has NASA progressed with their new Orion spacecraft? Is this really going to happen? A manned mission again already in 2024? That's 3,5 years roughly from now. Not that I don't mind. I hope they take a nice 8K camera with them and broadcast live from the moon. Or at least leave some Webcams there, powered by solar arrays. But I cannot believe people will return to the moon, already in 2024. Is there a real valid source that says so?

I did found an article about President Joe Biden endorsing the Artemis program, not so long ago at February 4 this year (2021): - So the make things clear : The launcher is called "Orion" and the Mission "Artemis".

回答 (3)

2021-02-20 7:50 am
I hope not.
If the NASA was shut down for Four Years, there would have been enough Money to finish Building the Border Wall, AND pay Unemployment not only to the NASA employees, but the related industries as well.

NASA is a money Pit.  it is currently hiring Foreign Agents to do its work.
2021-02-20 7:24 am
I think a Human Mission to Mars would be better
Seeing as Perceverence is already looking for life
2021-02-20 8:32 am
I would not be surprised to see a manned mission to orbit the moon a few times then come back. Hopefully alive.

But seeing we already did all this half a century ago, with no real purpose, or useful outcome, you have to wonder what is the point doing a reprise of it, apart from a whole tribeful of breast beating.

Some folks, who really should know better, don't seem to realise that technology has moved on since 1970. The whole damn solar system has now been visited, landed on or flown past, all by robotic craft. So what's with the big leap backwards to manned spaceflight?

If the global economy holds up, and the US refrains from descending into utter chaos and civil war, then mounting some woeful manned landing would no doubt be attempted. With China there already with their excellent Chang'E robotic rover, you have to ask why is nasa so backward that they have to send a manned lander? Have their entire robotics team defected to other countries?

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 08:29:52
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