Is America a fallen nation, in your honest opinion? Why or why not?

2021-02-19 1:37 am

回答 (19)

2021-02-19 1:39 am
The majority popular vote of the past 3 presidential elections indicate we've become a nation of morons, and are thus doomed to be led by idiots who hate the Constitution.
2021-02-19 1:55 am
NOT YET ------ but all indicators say that there are some major corrections requited to stave a collapse.

- Throw out the Socialist cry babies from both parties and get some responsible fiscal leadership for a start.
- stop trying to start wars with everyone
- clamp down of crime
- get some genuine teachers back in the classrooms
- cut politicians salaries
- fix the fvcking roads and bridges
2021-02-20 6:19 pm
It is a failing state. Our leaders would always rather spend money on another unwinnable war or another military gadget/boondoggle, than repair roads, etc.
2021-02-19 6:41 am
Very close !
We just witnessed a COUP against the American People , where the Politicians removed the TRUE Votes of "The People" to install an illigitamate President !!!
The Judicial and Legistaive Branches allowed, and assisted in the TREASONOUS CRIME against America and her Constitution !!!
2021-02-19 1:39 am
No because lots of people in this wonderful nation are moral human beings .. We totally despise abortion , promiscuity, homosexuality, violation of freedom of speech rights etc
2021-02-19 1:38 am
Yes we fell far because of Trump, and now we're starting to pick ourselves up again.
2021-02-19 5:59 pm
Yes divided all because LINCOLN who never cared about the slaves

Lincoln had two choices deport all of them or make them Citizens he chose Neither
2021-02-19 2:02 am
It would have been if Dump was reelected but thankfully he was not
2021-02-23 1:32 am
No but it is in a bad place, and no Republican or Democrat has done anything to address that since Kennedy.
2021-02-21 8:22 pm
America is a continent; the USA which is just a tiny part of it is a fallen, but recovering nation 

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 21:34:52
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