Who doesn't celebrate Valentine's day?

2021-02-18 5:13 pm

回答 (5)

2021-04-02 12:19 pm
My husband was a reluctant gift giver early in our marriage. Finally, I gave up.  We've been married for over 30 years. 

February 14 is no different than January 14 or March 14. 
2021-02-18 5:28 pm
2021-02-18 5:17 pm
Single people, obviously. 
2021-02-18 5:14 pm
People that are not in love
2021-02-18 5:24 pm
I don't.  I consider it a celebration for stalky, creepy behaviour which I want nothing to do with and really don't think it should be encouraged.  I've been stalked by two different people and one of them assaulted me and used to take secret photos of me.  Valentine's just plays into the hands of people with mental health issues and puts potential victims in danger.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 08:34:46
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