Why is The Government taking so long to pass the third Stimulus check?

2021-02-18 1:14 am

回答 (4)

2021-02-18 1:17 am
Maybe the Russian immigrants in Israel needs it more ?
2021-02-18 1:26 am
Were you under the very false impression that Democrats care about Americans?
2021-02-18 2:16 am
The same reason it was so difficult to get more during the last 6/8 months. The democrats are not in a hurry, they have what they need, their pay was not interrupted, even though their job was shut down, they still got paid.  Worked remote when they felt the need, not tied to a desk for 9 hours in their dinning room. Like Obama's memo spelled out during the sequester, make it hurt as many, as deeply, as we can.
2021-02-18 1:16 am
We cannot afford it. 

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 08:29:45
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