
2021-02-17 6:38 pm
She's a real class act.
再請問,act與action在當名詞時都同樣有"行為及行動"的意思,請問該怎麼分辨何時要用act何時用action呢?還是兩者其實可以互相取代呢?謝謝。: )

回答 (4)

2021-02-18 12:59 am
✔ 最佳答案
She's a real class act.
不可以,因為意思完全不同。class act 代表一個精巧而有魅力的人。而class action是一個法律用詞,代表集體訴訟。

當名詞act與action同樣在"行為及行動"的意思上,它們基本上是同義詞,大部份情况下,都可以互用,並不在於"後果"和"進行中"。它們的主要分别,就在於習慣上(idiomatic) 和 配搭上(collocation) 的用法。

(1) An "act" is usually followed by preposition "of" and/​or used with an adjective; whereas, "action" is not usually used with "of" but is often used with possessive pronouns (his, her, ...); for example:
~ a heroic act of bravery (O)
~ a heroic action of bravery (X)
~ his heroic ​acts during the war (O)
~ his heroic actions during the war (O)
(2) "Action" often combines with the verb "take" but "act" does not:
~ We shall take whatever acts are necessary. (X)
~ We shall take whatever actions are necessary. (O)
2021-02-17 11:01 pm
1. 請問,此句中的act可以用action取代嗎?

2. 再請問,act與action在當名詞時都同樣有"行為及行動"的意思,請問該怎麼分辨何時要用act何時用action呢?

act著重於 "行為的後果",而action著重於"行為的進行與發生".所以,後者的應用情景多是延續的,長時間的.

3. 例句們:
The search actions last for 3 months.(這句不能用act)
The search acts end up with nothing. 
2021-02-19 10:18 am
Applied Usage means idiomatic+ collocation
=Helen, you are a real class act.
2021-02-18 1:13 am
Helen, you are a real class act! 
We will take class action against the criminal groups.
參考: 本人在此對盲撑罪犯與警察的人們深表佩服! 向你們致敬!

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