Why wasn't Obama impeached?

2021-02-17 10:59 am

回答 (8)

2021-02-17 11:03 am
He didn't commit any impeachable offenses.  Trump, on the other hand, could have had even more Articles of Impeachment brought against him. 
2021-02-17 11:00 am
For what?  Wearing a tan suit. 

If I remember properly do correct me if I am wrong Barack Obama passed healthcare reform, passed the stimulus, passed wallstreet reform, ended the war in Iraq, began drawdown of war in afghanistan, eliminated Osama bin Laden, turned around U.S auto industry, recaptalized banks, repealed “don't ask, don't tell”, toppled Mommar Gaddafi, told Mubarak to go, reversed Bush's torture policies, improved America's image abroad, kicked banks out of federal student loan program, expanded pell grants, boosted fuel efficiency standards, cordinated international response to financial crisis, increased support to veterans, tightened sanctions on Iran, created conditions to begin closing down dirtiest power plants, passed credit card reform, passed Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act, improved food safety system, gave the FDA power to regulate tobacco, pushed federal agencies to be green leaders, passed fair sentencing act, began post-9/11 military builddown, prevented wasted funds on planned space shutter/moon mission, invested heavily in renewable technology, cracked down on bad for-profit colleges, crafted next-generation school tests, improved school nutrition, expanded hate crimes protections, brokered agreement for speedy compensation to victims of Gulf Oil Spill, expanded health coverage to children and expanded stem cell research.

12 years later, republicans are still triggered a black man became president.
2021-02-17 11:14 am
Because he isn’t a proven liar coward draft dodger fraud sexual predator adulterer immoral immature narcissistic fat orange moron criminal embarrassment like trump. Obviously.
2021-02-17 11:10 am
He did not cause an insurrection, but President Clinton was just because he had sex. He still won, unlike, the latest former president.  
2021-02-17 11:04 am
because he was a much better president than Donald Trump and especially George W. Bush 
2021-02-17 11:10 am
What did he do or say you find impeachable ? 
2021-02-17 11:28 am
 Obama was officially CENSURED but not impeached 4 times on 6/26/14  1/7/16  1/13/16 & 2/4/16  for attempting to exceed his constitutional authority or violating various laws or the constitution.
But Obama was president before pelosi made a joke of the impeachment process by using it to as a method to settle an 80 old ladys personal hissy fit over trump cancelling her free overseas vacation on airforce planes in January of 2019.
Up until then she had been illegally using airforce planes to fly  sometimes daily back & forth between her San Francisco home & Washington DC entirely at taxpayers expense.
2021-02-17 11:06 am
You don't impeach hope & change....lol..

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 22:14:11
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