He gave me dead flowers for Valentines day?

2021-02-17 2:26 am
It was our first Valentines day and he gave me dead flowers. I got him nice flowers and nice presents. He gave me the first thing he saw at the supermaket. I feel this was not important for him at all. He said he will give me flowers again when he feels its the right moment ... So I wonder what is going on here. 

回答 (9)

2021-02-17 2:37 am
And still, I bet you had sex with him.
2021-02-17 2:58 am
And I bet you're still not going to dump him. You'll stay with him for years hoping for "just the right moment" when he becomes your knight in shining armor. News flash: he won't.

Seriously. It doesn't take ANY effort at all to make something or plan a fun day indoors and make it special for V-day. He just doesn't give a damn to do it. Dead flowers? SERIOUSLY? 

If he couldn't be bothered to spend just $10-$20 on NON DEAD flowers, then I wouldn't want him.
2021-02-17 3:29 am
And your question for us is...what again? I mean, do you even HAVE a question to ask us, or are you just venting again?
2021-02-17 3:34 am
You have indeed spoken the truth. You display wisdom and sagacity far beyond your tender years!
2021-02-17 2:29 am
Why worry - it's just another commercial occasion. My partner and I don't join in expensive gestures. We do give the kids in the extended family books at C*hristmas. Sorry about the silly colours. I'll try and fix it. Edit: did it!
2021-02-17 6:59 am
Cut flowers do not magically take root and start growing again when stuck in the ground. They are dead.
2021-02-19 3:53 am
It's not the day or the occasion, it's the thought behind what they do, even if those things are small. He bought you flowers, but probably because he felt pressured and thought he should.
My friend bought me flowers that weren't dead. Bit symbolic as I think you're in a dead relationship. 
2021-04-02 12:11 pm
You're right, buying you flowers is not important to him.  

Some men are into the details of romance, most are not.  

For him, he made the gesture of buying flowers - and you complained they aren't good enough. 

In your relationship, you are probably going to be the "detail" person.  
The two of you decide to go on vacation.  
If he plans it, the airfare, and motel might be the cheapest possible.

You will need to say, that airfare is cheap, but it will take 12 hours and 3 different planes to get there.  It's not worth it. This airfare is only $100 more and flies straight there in 5 hours.  
Yes, that motel is cheap, but it's in a bad part of town.  I don't feel safe staying there.

So what is going on?  Different expectations.  More thoughtful vs I brought it for you, why are you complaining. 
2021-03-09 5:36 am
DUMP HIM and move on.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 08:36:04
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