What behavior from upper management made you want to quit.?

2021-02-16 9:19 pm

回答 (3)

2021-02-16 10:02 pm
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We worked on a quota, finish 18 units and we were done for the day. An area down the line from us had a problem that stopped the line, so they sent us to help them. With our help, they completed several units and we went back to our area. Their section finished their 18 units and they went home, while we were several units behind. Nobody came to our area to help us. The workers wanted to help us in order to get their full hours for the day, but management said no.
2021-02-16 11:11 pm
Never really but coz of 2020 I have thought about quitting a lot of times coz got put somewhere else so what I've been doing since then I HATE/Dislike and has made me upset, depressed and stressed at times let alone some of coworkers!.

Ok so why I do not like from higher up (mangers) and also some coworkers..If u say something to them in secret it gets told to mostly EVERYONE and than everyone knows what was said.. favouritism!, 

Not telling me about something e.g. Change of hours (I see that they changed my hours and day off) WITHOUT telling me or that I needed to stay an hour longer. SOME PEOPLE plan things after work or on day off!  

Coming to ask if we have done something or that we need to do a task when we KNOW that it needs to be fųcking done!

Rudeness and telling me to take paracetamol and ibuprofen if I am not feeling well and to come into work like THE FŲCK thats not right..when u are ill u are ill and should NOT have to work!

Also putting other stupid people in MY PLACE WHERE I USUALLY WORK!!

Kinda done with this job and have wanted to quit but sticking to it. Gonna talk to them and see whats the deal and if I cannot go to my old place of work I might just quit.

Oh and saying how long we can have break for when some of us start and finish at different times also some people higher management sit longer than us!

And many more things.

Bills though! 🤦‍♀️🙈
2021-02-16 9:50 pm
Backstabbing. They'd tell you exactly how they wanted a customer dealt with and then wouldn't back you up.

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