Why was/is the European Union so dependent on Turkey regarding mass immigration?

2021-02-15 11:47 pm
So many sources say that the European Union paid huge amounts of money to Turkey to keep immigrants coming from Syria, Afghanistan, Pakistan etc to Europe. But this makes no sense. If you take the entire EU military as a whole then you would only need a fraction of it at the borders between Turkey and Bulgaria and Greece, and some navy elements to secure the waters between mostly Turkey and Greece. Furthermore, immigrants coming with boats from Africa are picked up by, mainly the Italian coastguard, but are not brought back. This is also a weird thing, because I know that many Italians are so fed up of all these immigrants, if the EU wants to block immigrants by paying Turkey why do they let them freely in trough the Mediterranean?

@Maxi, so what makes that different? Stockpiling 3 million refugees in Turkey, most of them who do not even want to be there, paying for it, giving Turkey more power than just divide the 3 million over the entire EU, but not only EU, also big chunks to other countries. They always went for Europe, but seldom to Iran, China or Russia. And even France was not good enough, because they wanted to England. In my eyes then you are no refugee anymore, just an ordinary economical migrant.

回答 (3)

2021-02-16 12:43 am
The EU paid to support Turkey for them to keep, provide for them, house and feed them in Turkey and not allow them to try to enter the EU.........
2021-02-16 10:55 pm
The optics of paying Turkey to keep them are better than the optics of what you suggest. In this way the EU can appear to be acting humanely but at the same time can to spare its members from the instability of having 3.6 million refugees rush in all at once. 
2021-02-15 11:50 pm
Liberal ideology is like a cancer.  Wherever it takes hold fertility rates drop below replacement levels thus the need for immigrants from countries where women still have children.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 08:12:30
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