TO不定式用法  to belong to?

2021-02-15 3:58 pm
Why is it so hard to find families for the dogs to belong to?
請問一下to belong to 是什麼用法
定是什麼詞性, 還有修飾什麼呢?

回答 (3)

2021-02-16 3:40 pm
✔ 最佳答案
似乎這題目的焦點不在於研究 dummy-it 或 empty-it 的結構, 而是探討 belong to 這 phrasal verb 的不定式的用法.

[動作的主詞] to belong to [動作的受詞]
   [the dogs] "to" belong to [families]  ~ 狗隻 "去/要/想" 屬於家庭
= [families] "to" own [the dogs]        ~ 家庭 "去/要/想" 擁有狗隻

看看這句意思比較貼切的句子, 就會明白:
It is not so hard to find food for me to eat.  (to eat 就是尋找的目的)
~ 尋找我要吃的食物並不困難。

為什麽尋找想擁有(領養?)狗隻的家庭這樣困難?  (families that want to own the dogs)
 所以 to belong to 的詞性是副詞, 用以修飾動詞find.

(題外話, 我想補充一點,看來to find families似乎是形容詞hard的補語, 詞性屬副詞; 多於是名詞作為句子原本的主詞哩!)
2021-02-17 3:07 am
infinitive--n,adj, is the form of the verb that can used after other verbs and with to before it., such as to in belong to; to in to find.
We can identity the same meaning of the sentence Why is it--->It is from their meaning and their introductory word=It is.; grammatically:-eg:-
It is so hard----S+vt
to find families-----noun/inf.phr.(a verbal)
for the dogs----O, a phrase
to belong to----to-infinitive is the object of the verb "is" of reason/cause; purpose, result, condition, concession.( also a verbal)belong to vi means be the property of; be a member of' be connected with; have as a right or proper place of the adopted owner of the DOGS.
2021-02-16 10:14 am
to find families是「不定詞片語」,作為本句的「延遲主詞」(delayed subject),屬「名詞」性質,因為它加上後面的「受格補語」(to belong to)後,太長了,所以用「虛的主詞」it代替,將真正的主詞延後,以免句子結構頭重腳輕,不易閱讀。

不改裝的敘述句:To find families for the dogs to belong to is so hard.
改裝的敘述句:It is so hard to find families for the dogs to belong to.
改裝後的句子焦點可提早出現:主詞補語so hard是上面兩個句子的焦點。

to find someone something: Will you find me my tennis racket?(兩個受詞:人+物)
to find something for someone: Will you find my tennis racket for me?(一個受詞;物)
即:To find the dogs families to belong to is so hard.(兩受詞+受格補語)
To find families for the dogs to belong to is so hard.(一受詞+受格補語)

to find xxx to belong to
在上面這個不定詞片語當中,不定詞片語to belong to是「受格補語」(屬形容詞性質)。
介系詞片語for the dogs是用來帶出這個不定詞片語在邏輯上的主詞(dogs),在文法上它是修飾不定詞片語to belong to的「修飾語」(將後面不定詞片語的語意範圍加以約束,屬副詞性質)。

I want him to leave now.
The man begged the judge to change his mind.
They like him to help them in the garden.
You don't expect me to do such a foolish thing.


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