The Bible IS clear that the answer to ALL things is faith in Jesus Christ.  Why deny this and face perdition?

2021-02-15 1:51 am
Many cults created by freemason cultists sprang into life in generations past.  From JWitnesses, to Islam, to Mormonism, to 7th Day Adventists, to Catholicism, and more--ALL adding to or taking away, or otherwise changing the word of God to make room for Satanic anti-Christ lies.  If you are stuck in one of these cults please know this is not what Christ wants for you.  He wants you to come to him of a contrite spirit and a broken heart so you can repent and turn to the truth.  He wants your pure love, untainted by the poison brush of Satan.  Will you let go of your wicked anti-Christ cult and have faith in Jesus alone, or will you listen to the lies and traditions of men to your own destruction?

Buttercup...Most people today HATE the truth, and have tried to turn the truth to a lie.  Stop lying to yourself. The message of the Bible is pure, as is Jesus.  If you want to change it, you will be counted with the transgressors.  I WILL stand for the truth and encourage people to turn to the loving grace of Our King, and Savior Jesus Christ.  If you do not see this is a message of love, then you have been deceived.  The pope called Jesus a sinner, and a failure on the cross--enough said.


Pete...That's not a problem...that is your solution.


Nous...You again??!!!  Your incessant lies are making me weary..."copy, paste, copy, can paste all you want from your atheist fiction; I guarantee nobody is listening except the most ignorant of fools.  Are you sooo stupid to claim Jesus does not exist?  This stupidity is reserved for the dumbest of the dumbed-down atheists.  You really must LOVE your sin.  Keep lying and prepare for perdition, or ask Jesus for forgiveness, and turn your Godless life around.  The clock starts now! 


Nous...What's that BIG sin you don't want to let go.  Be honest.


Doug...Do you follow Scripture or your imagination?  Be honest with yourself.  Do you follow Christ or the pope who said Jesus was a "failure on the cross."  Do you sing hymns to lucifer like they do in the Vatican?  Do you really want to believe a religion that claims you worship the same God as the Muslims?  The pope also claims Jesus sinned.  Are you on board with that?  Let's hear some answers from you!


Clyde...Scripture does not come from the cult of catholicism; stop being infantile and read your Bible.  Catholicism IS death.


Nous...People as angry and violently opposed to Jesus as you, are usually harboring a GREAT sin--What is your great sin?  Can you confess your sin?  It is why you are so angry.  Let that filthy sin go, and you WILL become a new person; your anger, and all the negativity that you have embraced will dissipate.  Your conscience you cannot deny--It comes from Jesus.  He IS calling you. 

回答 (10)

2021-02-15 1:53 am
The Bible is a book, it is not the definitive source of facts.  It says bats are birds and snakes can talk.  Religions are all alike, abdicating human responsibility and accountability to some deity.
Yes, the Bible is clear on what it wants you to believe.
2021-02-15 1:57 am
The only people Christians hate as much as they hate atheists are other Christians.
2021-02-15 1:53 am
Problem is, the bible is a book of faith not verifiable fact. Chuck, so you would rather trust faith over fact?
2021-02-15 2:03 am
The bible is clear as day BS, too bad you don't know any better.
2021-02-15 2:43 am
Honey, you just go right on believing in your fairy tales.
2021-02-15 2:20 am
There are much temptations in this world, we must remain true to Jesus.
2021-02-15 1:52 am
Logic and faith, blind faith is bad. To follow God and Jesus with true faith is a good thing
2021-02-15 11:03 am
Sarah claims that Jehovah's Witnesses do not kill.  I take issue with that claim.  They have had a few murderers among their followers, but for certain the "religion" of JWs has driven countless numbers to suicide by their cruelty.
2021-02-15 6:46 am
Jesus Christ personally founded, authorized, empowered and perpetually guaranteed the Holy Catholic Church for the purpose of our salvation, while he still walked the earth. Can't beat that!
2021-02-15 2:36 am
we Got most of the Bible from the Catholic Bible I’m thinking

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 22:43:13
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