Will I ever get my friend to like me romantically ?

2021-02-13 10:16 pm
I’m a 22 year old guy and I took this girl, 19, out on a date back in December. She wouldn’t kiss me at the end of the date. But I did like her. So I asked her out on a second date. She declined, and said she only saw me as a friend. Which hurt. She started seeing another guy but then it ended. She HAD to have liked me at one point, right? She did go out on a date with me. It’s Valentine’s Day almost. What plays do I have? Here’s the kicker. This girl has genuinely become a good friend of mine. But, I’m very attracted to her. It’s hard for me. Especially that we are both single and tomorrow is Valentine’s Day. I almost feel like making some kind of “we are both single and tomorrow is Valentine’s Day” move but I don’t want to embarrass myself.

回答 (12)

2021-02-15 6:34 am
Its been said here by other contributors. The more you try to push this situation, the worse its going to become . Your appearance is fine but the personality approach didn't  work somehow.
Its over, finished, caput,  completely buggered.  Just accept  it and remain friends.
2021-02-13 11:05 pm
If I had to guess I'd say this first outing was only a "date" in your mind and she thought she was being asked to hang out with a friend. The fastest way to destroy this friendship would be for you to try to cross the line again. There are a lot of single people out there so for any two of them to mesh well there has to be more to the connection than just both being without partners. Your attraction to her is irrelevant unless she feels the same way about you. Chances are lots of guys are attracted to her, she's not obligated to date every single one of them. 
2021-02-15 11:49 am
your only move is drugging her and humping her - then spending the next ten years in jail getting sodimised in the shower by big mick and his friends every day
2021-02-18 5:49 pm
Probably not :[     
2021-02-14 6:24 am
Honestly I wouldn't put energy into that. She either likes you or she doesn't. She was out straight and honest and told you she doesn't think of you as more than a friend. If she liked you in a romantic way, she wouldn't have given you the chance to possibly find someone else. It sounds to me like she went on a date with you just to give you a chance and see was there possibly any spark or anything more than what it was. And after the date, she knew that there wasn't. You deserve somebody who actually wants to be with you. And when that happens, it won't need to be forced
2021-02-14 12:12 am
What "plays" do you have?  None.  You go out on St. Valentine's day as friends.  Nothing more.
2021-02-13 11:40 pm
My friend there's a girl out there for you but its not her. Don't put yourself in a position where she's being plowed by Mr.Big and you're holding her hand in the meantime listening to her problems 
2021-02-13 11:20 pm
There are no plays. You took your shot, she gave you a chance, and decided she wasn't interested. It's over and that's fine. Fixating on someone unobtainable is just an excuse to avoid rejection. You already know the outcome so you can't really get hurt. It is a lot easier to pine away and fantasize about what could be than it is to invest in someone new and make yourself vulnerable again. You need to take responsibility for your own feelings and distance yourself so you can move on.
2021-02-13 11:09 pm
She likes you as a friend. The more you try to force being more, the less interested she will be.
2021-02-13 10:52 pm
move on. you're talking yourself into becoming a stalker. 

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 22:12:53
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