Wouldn't It Be Nice if At Least One Democrat Senator Got a Conscience and Apologized to the American People for Phony Impeachment Trials?

2021-02-13 9:08 pm

回答 (14)

2021-02-13 9:16 pm
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To be fair the impeachment started in the House, not the Senate; but I'm not expecting any apologies from Democrats in the House either.
2021-02-13 9:19 pm
Right? A cop gets murdered after I rile up a crowd of armed malcontents and they expect me to take the blame? What a joke! Next they're going to tell me things like "words and actions have consequences" and silly crap like that! Taking responsibility for your actions is for my witless minions, not for me! I'm a perfect genius! MAGA!
2021-02-13 9:23 pm
It would be nicer if you had an IQ higher than an earthworm, but some things can't be accomplished.  Why do you think it's ok for the president to break Congress's laws, besides the fact that you're grossly stupid?
2021-02-13 9:22 pm
Republican Senators said that they wouldn't convict and remove Trump after his first impeachment because an election was coming up and the people would decide. The people decided but Trump refused to accept their decision.

The apologies that are needed from Senators are from the Republican Senators who have abandoned their oaths to the US Constitution and, instead, have sworn their loyalty to the Republican Party.  

Trump should have been convicted and removed from office after his first impeachment. If justice had been served, Donald Trump would not have been in the position to instigate the unprecedented attack on the US Congress on January 6th.   
2021-02-13 9:19 pm
There’s no need to pretend you’re a QAnon nut job anymore.
2021-02-13 9:11 pm
You are right, incitement to insurrection is hardly worth bothering with, lets just put it down to Trump being an imbecile and give a free pass to anyone else who wants to try it
2021-02-13 9:55 pm
Maybe after Republicans apologize to Bill Clinton and admit they set the impeachment bar WAY too low.  But Republicans won't do that, they just hate when their impeachment bar is applied to one of their own.
2021-02-13 9:16 pm
and you think Trump isn't pure evil
2021-02-13 9:21 pm
It would be even nicer if Trump hanged for his treason.
2021-02-13 9:39 pm
Agree. The Democrats are showing they are corrupt and cannot lead our nation. 
2021-02-13 9:20 pm
Yes.  Not gonna happen, but yes.                                 
2021-02-17 2:30 pm
Butthurt much?
2021-02-14 7:02 am
Nope because that would mean that they are for country instead of party.  Note that the Democratic party is part of a larger International Democratic party.  Sorry folks they do not consider just the citizens of the United States to be of much consequence to their larger International aspirations.
2021-02-13 9:52 pm
Yes it most certainly would.

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