as soon as 用法?

2021-02-12 9:09 pm
it was a harsh, gloomy place. full of tough dogs who looked like they'd just as soon bite you as sniff you
想問一下as soon bite you as sniff you 係咩用法
同as soon as 一樣嗎

回答 (2)

2021-02-14 7:42 pm
infinitive adj technical of the form of the verb that can be used after other verbs and with to before it, (such as go in I can go, I want to go, and  It is important to go.)
The split infinitive means not ambiguious, artificial)
as soon bite you as sniff you
=as soon as bite and sniff you.
2021-02-16 1:25 pm
As soon as you finished your homework, you may play Gameboy for one hour before you sleep...

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