Covid 19 ?

2021-02-12 6:33 am
My elderly mom she is aged 83 sadly 
Contracted the virus 
During that time her symptoms were horrendous high temperature breathless 
And low Oxygen. 

She is now day 30 since being tested positive 
All her test are now  negative 
However she remains sleepy at times  with loss of appetite. 
Any ideas what we can do to support her 
She has had the vaccine 
Is she out of the woods now at day 30? 
Any advise or similar story would be greatly apreciated 
Thank you 

回答 (8)

2021-02-12 7:43 am
✔ 最佳答案
It is a wonderful thing that she survived the coronavirus at that age she didn't need to get the vaccine if she had the disease because she's not going to get it again I really hope she recovers all I can do is say walk with her and keep her moving around. I found out the hard way that laying around with the coronavirus makes it worse you have to get out and move around in your yard walk around your yard keep moving and you'll recover.
2021-02-22 11:19 am
I'm confused,  they don't give the vaccine to those that recovered until a months have passed. 
On the other hand  symptoms can last for months after tests start being negative 
2021-02-12 7:45 am
No longer testing positive is not related to being symptom free.
Most people who pass are no longer testing positive (I'm not comparing this to your mom, I'm talking about people in the hospital).

She is not going to pass form this bout of covid at day 30.  But she could have long term or even permanent damage.
-- but even if she had the flu at 83 she likely wouldn't have sprung back yet.

What have you been doing for your mom?  All the normal immune builders - lots of vitamin D3, vitamin C, zinc, magnesium will help.  Also making sure she does some walking to get exercise.  If all she can do is walk 3 houses down the street, then that's where you start. 
2021-02-12 6:55 am
It could take weeks or months even for her to get back where she was. It's very hard for us older people to spring back like young folks. Just have patience.
2021-02-12 6:49 am
Lots of older folks, even into the 100s have survived corona. Search online hundred year old healed coronavirus.
2021-02-12 6:42 am
With covid, some people continue to experience symptoms months after they first caught it. They’re called long haulers. 

Alyssa Milano is a long hauler. I don’t know if she’s recovered now but she caught it early on and for several months, she said she’s exhausted and some days, she can’t even get up. 

If your mom got the vaccine before she got covid, then that’s good because the vaccine makes covid less severe. Basically, the body has a head start on fighting covid so most of the virus is killed. 

If she got the virus before the vaccine then she could still be feeling the effects of covid. At her age, it might take longer to recover. The Cody can’t produce as many antibodies as someone who’s in her 20s. 

Is she out of the woods. Most likely since it’s been 30 days and she doesn’t test positive for the virus. She should test positive for the antibodies. 
2021-02-12 6:35 am
have you taked to her doctor
2021-02-12 6:41 am
did u hear the one where 23 elderly people died in new zealand after being given the vaccine, its cause the too old cant handle the side effects of the vaccine, if she already had the virus what was the point of giving her the vaccine? but doctor nows best since theyre the ones who likely recommend her to be vaccinated so go ask the doctor and if she gets worse, go ask again, keep bugging the doctor till she gets well.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 08:29:19
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