Is the aftermath of George Floyd is a hate crime?

2021-02-11 2:58 pm

回答 (7)

2021-02-11 3:19 pm
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floyd's murder isn't a hate crime, it's just a crime.  I'm not white I'm mexican but I'm so sick of everything being attributed to racism.  The word racism means nothing anymore.
2021-02-11 11:59 pm
According to the minorities and other demographic the ONLY racism in our country is by Caucasian males against EVERY other demographic BUT it's perfectly acceptable for all the minorities and demographics to NOW be racist against Caucasian males while SCREAMING and DEMANDING "EQUALITY!"! 
Also let's not forget BLM's DEMAND that ALL lives can't matter UNTIL black lives matter more than ALL others!!
The bottom line is until ALL sexes, races, orientations, religions EVERY demographic TOTALLY and unconditionally accept and respect EVERY other sex, race, orientation, religion and EVERY other demographic as being 100% TRULY EQUAL, NONE better than others NONE LESS than others or demand THEY be treated "special", "MORE" or "SUPERIOR" then there WILL be SOME sort of racism or discrimination BOTH WAYS!!!

This picture explains the racism currently occurring in our country!
2021-02-11 3:14 pm
The aftermath as in, the riots? It's one of the biggest generalized hate crimes in modern history. Nobody cared about the pregnant woman he attacked, just that another thug attacked and killed said thug. I say... let all the thugs kill each other. The world would be better off. If you're going to flip a table over a black persons death, make sure its somebody innocent.
2021-02-11 3:48 pm
BLM is racist. 
2021-02-12 2:11 am
I suspect questions like this are being asked after the QAnon/ultra-right wing attempt to 'play 1933', with people (who still can't believe the chanting Americans) decided to continuously type about rioting, looting and BLM - having us forget about Capitol Hill and the now tearful rioters all self-piteous after realising Trump has turned his back on them. White fear and American manipulation.
2021-02-13 6:40 am
NO.  The aftermath is because of too many delusional dim wits looking for a reason to protest and riot.  Remember, George Floyd was a convicted criminal.
2021-02-11 3:06 pm
What? I don't understand what your asking.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 08:33:32
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