How avoid being judged by my looks ?

2021-02-10 2:56 am

回答 (4)

2021-02-10 3:00 am
✔ 最佳答案
Physical appearance is a major factor in first impressions.  And always will be.  The human animal evolved to make quick judgements so that we could avoid danger.  It's hard-coded into who we are.  We can overcome this, but it's hard and most people don't try.  So suck it up and live with it, your appearance will affect how people initially react to you.

HOWEVER, the good news is that the longer you know someone, the less your appearance influences them because they learn more about you and can respond to those other factors.  So my advice to you if you want more of the latter and less of the former is to form longer term relationships so that you can get past the first impression phase.
2021-02-10 3:02 am
Regardless of how much you may not want it to happen, it still will...even if you don't know it is. Be confident with how you are.
2021-02-10 2:58 am
Keep your paper bag on.
2021-02-10 2:57 am
adrian masks are mandatory find one so creepy people turn away repulsed

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 08:39:21
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