Why does she always suspect something?

2021-02-08 11:42 pm
My wife is one of those who no matter what the situation is she's going to always suspect something else is going or may be going on.  I was at my daughter's apartment yesterday dropping off the gifts from her baby shower this past Sat.  She got so much stuff until it wouldn't fit in her car so I put it all in my SUV to drop off.  My daughter's roommate is a nice girl who has a 5 or 6 year old autistic son.  He's a very sweet little boy but he is completely non-verbal.  He only makes noises.  Well, I'vee been knowing this girl a little more than a year and when ever I see the little boy I'll wave at him or give him a little hug, something like that.  Autistic kids don't really warm up to people they don't know that well.  Anyway, while at my daughter's he walks out of the bedroom and stand next to me.  The next thing I know he reaches up and grabs my hand.  I go behind him and put my arms around him to give him a hug.  When I do he lifts his feet off the ground and I start playing with him.  I honestly thought it was the sweetest thing because he's never done that before.  When I got home and told my wife what happened she looked at me and basically said, "oh, is he thinking you're his daddy?"  She gave me the side eye like maybe I had gotten the girl pregnant and had secretly been hiding this kid from her.  She knows how to ruin a very sweet moment.  

回答 (4)

2021-02-09 3:24 am
Right.  Thanks for explaining how autistic children behave.  Once again, if you are as unhappy with your wife (as you have posted 50 plus times) why don't you file for divorce?  And is she the best you could do?
I find it VERY difficult to believe that you have no problems with your single daughter's pregnancy (which somehow apparently is the fault of your wife) AND her living with a nice "girl" AND that "girl" allowing you to "play with" an autistic child.  Good luck when the baby arrives!
2021-02-09 12:46 pm
Ah no! Your story sounds beautiful till I read the end of it. I was so speechless.  Let me preface why your story touched me. I also have autistic son he's 11 and gives the best love but he is caution to who he allows into his space. He do not play. Anyhoo, you said your wife is always suspect something else is going on or may be going on,,, um um um please do not share beautiful stories with her or else she will ruin ALL of it.. The lack of trust and understanding brings discord into any relationship, you both need to have a serious chat. 
2021-02-09 1:31 am
Because your wife is nuts, apparently. 
2021-02-09 12:56 am
Tell her to stop being paranoid.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 08:29:27
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