Are you pro-choice? and are you pro-choice when it comes to vaccines?

2021-02-07 2:34 pm
I'm pro freedom and ppl should have a choice to get vaccinated or vaccinate their children and some females are pro choice when it comes to abortion but when the baby is born you can't choose if you want your baby vaccinated or not and the state and system is in control, so you're pro choice and in control when it comes to abortion but you're not in control when it comes to vaccines, that's a logical fallacy and contradictive and you can't force ppl to take a vaccine, that's medical tyranny and total control over us that's against human freedom

回答 (4)

2021-02-07 3:09 pm
I'm pro-choice when it comes to abortion, and I am pro-choice when it comes to what an individual puts into their body including vaccines, but I am not pro-choice when it comes to people refusing to vaccinate their kids.  Children depend on their parents for their healthcare, and without healthcare including a full range of vaccines, they can get viruses and the associated diseases that are anywhere from debilitating to agonizingly fatal.  And with kids being packed together in classrooms, it's all the more important that they are all vaccinated so that no one can get or transmit those diseases.  So while I'm OK with people making their own decisions about their own bodies, I am NOT OK with people making that decision on behalf of their kids who will suffer greatly if they get one of those very preventable diseases.  And it's not a logical fallacy because it's two separate, unrelated matters being considered.

You want to go without vaccines?  Fine.  Get the fück out of society and never have any interaction with any human being ever again.  You can't give anything to us and we can't give anything to you.
2021-02-07 2:46 pm
Comparing forcing a woman to remain pregnant when she no longer wishes to be so and mandatory vaccinations to prevent disease are not remotely comparable.
2021-02-07 3:00 pm
It's not a logical fallacy.  They believe each person should choose when it comes to their own body, but not when it comes to someone else's body.  When you don't vaccinate a child, you're choosing what happens to their body -- and the body of everyone they will infect.
2021-02-07 2:35 pm
Yes.  It seems like if there's no trust, nobody should force me.  If that thing is safe and effective, prove it.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 08:12:03
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