How long does the Plan B pill delay ovulation???

2021-02-06 7:37 pm
I took the Plan B One Step pill, 2 days before my peak ovulation day. Then we had intercourse again 7 days later (5 days after my ovulation day). Now I'm 2 days late for my period. Could this be because the plan b pill causes periods to be late?? How long does Plan B delay your ovulation day?? Could I have been ovulating when we did it 5 days after my ovulation day?? 

回答 (1)

2021-02-06 9:56 pm
Plan B is not designed to prevent ovulation. It works to stop implanting of a fertilized egg following intercourse.It makes no claim to reduce the risk of future pregnancy.  It can interfere with your cycle for up to 12 months in some women, making both ovulation and periods unpredictable.It should NEVER be used as your main form of contraception.There is a good possibility you are pregnant.  Or it may just be that the Plan B has just delayed your period.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 08:29:26
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