Do you think the cold weather is affecting my internet connection?

2021-02-06 2:21 pm
I've tried resetting and rebooting my modem at least 15 times tonight, and just when I think I have this internet connection under control, it keeps dying on me and I keep getting error messages.

Do you think the cold weather has something to do with my internet connection?

回答 (3)

2021-02-06 2:41 pm
✔ 最佳答案
yes - cold weather makes the internet freeze
2021-02-06 5:59 pm
haha no brother, cold weather helps electronics, the hotter they get the more unstable, been a tech since 2015, you either need to reinstall OS, get more data from you provider, use another chord, maybe another wifi chip with more speed, doubt its weather, its snowing here were im at still doing 100gb in 25 minutes
2021-02-06 2:23 pm
No it’s the 👽  making your Internet connection weak - u better move out of the house before u get kidnapped by them 

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 08:28:27
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