Took Plan B pill, late for period?!?!?

2021-02-06 5:59 am
I've taken the plan b pill before in the past and a couple times it's made my period late a day or two, but I always had brown discharge before I would start.
This time I took it 3 days before I ovulated and it was within 48 hours of intercourse. I was supposed to start my period yesterday but I didn't. So now I'm a day late and have had no discharge. I'm getting extremely worried. Is this normal with plan b one step???

回答 (3)

2021-02-06 12:29 pm
How do you know it was 3 days before ovulation - did your app tell you.  Your app is only GUESSING based on past patterns and your ACTUAL ovulation could be earlier or later during any cycle.

A period happens ABOUT 14 days AFTER ovulation if pregnancy did not happen.

Plan B works by DELAYING ovulation.  

If ovulation is delayed - then the period will also be delayed.

Discharge doesn't matter.  That is neither a good or bad sign.  Discharge is something random that does not have to happen every time to  be "normal".   Missing the discharge before this period doesn't mean anything either way.  Besides that - there is no way to know how long ovulation was delayed - so you really don't know when the period should happen.  It will happen about 14 days after ovulation.  

Since sex happened before you expected ovulation and since your period is now late - you could take a pregnancy test.  Plan B can fail and if it did, a test might be positive by now.  At 21 days after sex, a pregnancy test would be accurate - so if you want to wait a few more days, you could also wait for the point in which there is no way it would be a false negative.  

You may want to consider getting on a regular method for birth control instead of using plan B too often.  More than once or twice PER YEAR is too often to be using plan B.  
2021-02-06 6:20 am
please read the information at Comes with it or at their Website
2021-02-06 6:06 am
Yes normal.  Look at the insert with the pill.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 08:12:21
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