Will You Buy the Donald Trump Stamps When the Post Office Honors Him?

2021-02-05 11:45 am
Every US president gets a stamp issued in his honor.

I should clarify.  The USPS has several policies regarding stamp issues.  One of them is that each president has a stamp issued in his honor within one year of death.  The most recent was George HW Bush.  Living presidents are not allowed the honor.  But I'm sure they have plans in the works for Presidents Carter, Clinton, GW Bush, Obama, Trump, and even current President Biden.  I specifically asked about Trump because of the widespread love and widespread hate for him.


Edit to the person who asked about Pierce, Ford, and Nixon.  Franklin Pierce has been honored twice-once in 1938 and once in 1986.  The Richard Nixon stamp was issued in 1995 and the Gerald Ford stamp was issued in 2007.  Here's an informative article for those who are interested:  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Presidents_of_the_United_States_on_U.S._postage_stamps

回答 (18)

2021-02-05 11:48 am
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Stamps rarely if ever commemorate a living person. When he dies I might think about it but I'm going with no on this one.
2021-02-05 11:48 am
The shitstain will be in jail, and would be an embrassement.

I do not think the US Post will issue anything to 'honor' a convicted traitor.
2021-02-05 11:47 am
Maybe. But I only ever buy the stamps with the flag. 
I've never bought a stamp with a president on it.
2021-02-05 12:09 pm
Never happen......
2021-02-05 11:49 am
Only if I happen to need a three-dollar stamp.
2021-02-05 11:47 am
Hopefully the senate will find him guilt of inciting violence against the United States of America. And we won’t have to have an ugly orange postage stamp.
2021-02-05 11:46 am
I roll with American flag stamps. Drives my "liberal" friends flat cray-zeeeeee!!! lol
h t h
2021-02-05 11:47 am
Probably not. I like the frog stamps.
2021-02-05 11:59 am
Never. He doesn’t deserve one, especially since he tried to destroy the post office.
2021-02-05 11:58 am
Oh? Ever seen a stamp honoring Ford? Pierce? Nixon?
2021-02-05 11:47 am
Yes they do, but not until they die. I look forward to getting my Donald Trump stamps.
2021-02-05 11:47 am
I’m sure the lib dictatorship will make sure that doesn’t happen.  
2021-02-05 8:26 pm
I venture to say that more people will shun the stamp than except it. It probably won't stick to envelops very good anyway. Even Bill Clinton didn't get a stamp that I know of and he did more for American than most other president before him!
2021-02-05 1:23 pm
Might as well, it could become a rare stamp.
2021-02-08 12:42 am
I don't care if I get Trump, Obama or even Carter stamps.
2021-02-07 5:11 am
I am not a philatelist.
2021-02-07 5:07 am
Doubt it ever happens 
Your update is wrong, the policy is presidents may not be considered for stamps until they have been dead a year, its not automatic 
2021-02-05 9:34 pm
Do they??????????????

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