when writing a story on line can i use these words?

2021-02-05 5:15 am

hiding gaff transgender crossdresser nudity

回答 (4)

2021-02-05 5:36 am
What words and concepts are forbidden depends on the hosting site. I know you probably clicked on I Agree already, but go back and read their terms and conditions.

These terms would be fine on Archive of Our Own.
2021-02-05 5:19 am
Sure, why not ?
2021-02-05 9:11 am
Well, you just used those words online. And guess what. Nobody is arresting you, at least not in any civilized country. What the hell is wrong with you anyway?
2021-02-05 12:17 pm
You can use any words except 'District Nurse' which everyone knows is very rude indeed.

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