I came out positive for having COVID-19, but I feel fine. Why is that?

2021-02-05 4:52 am

回答 (7)

2021-02-05 4:56 am
Many people show no symptoms -  you still need to quarantine.
2021-02-05 5:00 am
Not everyone that got covid gets sick. There are people that are asymptomatic meaning they show no symptoms. They’re the most dangerous people because they don’t know there spreading the disease. 

I believe Baron Trump was asymptomatic. Several awmakers also show no symptoms. 

Did you get the vaccine. You’ll test positive for the antibodies but you’ll be negative if you get the pcr or antigen test. 
2021-02-05 8:28 pm
Some people can contract it with out having symptoms. Even though you feel fine, you can still spread it. You should be at home until you test negative. 
2021-02-05 4:55 am
It affects people differently
2021-02-06 4:19 am
Test again. My husband just tested positive and feels fine! I got tested and got my kids tested we all tested negative 1 day after my husband test positive! So we got my husband another test less than 2 days after his positive test and would you believe he tested negative! 
I think his first result was a false positive
2021-02-05 6:51 am
Because it isn't a big deal for 99.9% of the people who catch it.
2021-02-07 2:33 am
You are very lucky. Stay home for the next two weeks and make sure you do not have contact with anyone. 

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 08:34:33
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