Are you disappointed with Biden stimulus?

2021-02-05 3:02 am
At first it was supposed to be $2000 and now only $1400. Why don’t these cheapos do stimulus checks that would actually make an impact like $10000 a month. We the people will vote for the candidate writing the biggest stimulus checks.

回答 (9)

2021-02-05 3:03 am
Bad troll. No cookie. 
2021-02-05 4:05 am
Did you really think that the $600 wouldn’t be taken into account?  Republicans don’t want any stimulus, so be very happy that they didn’t win the Presidency.  
2021-02-05 3:03 am
President Joe Biden is doing great things! America is back baby!
2021-02-05 3:11 am
$600 (received) plus $1400 (new) = $2000
2021-02-05 3:10 am
Yes, it was supposed to be $2k. NOT ALL IN ONE CHECK THOUGH!!!!

You somehow missed the entire discussion before the 2nd stimulus check was passed. With the 2nd stimulus check, the GOP did not want to pass a check in the package. Dems wanted to pass the $2k but they say the $2k doesn't have to all pass in one check. We already received $600 of the $2k that's why the 3rd stimulus check is 1.4k the remainder of the 2k after the $600 was paid in our 3rd stimulus package.

They already discussed this. They already said it was going to be split into the 2 checks. Either you're completely unaware of the discussions that took place before the 2nd stimulus package was passed or you're intentionally spreading disinformation.

Imgur users did the math that if it wasn't for the Trump tax cuts we could have had an $18k stimulus check for the middle class & poor.
2021-02-05 3:12 am
Not at all.  It's exactly what I thought it would be - a big ZERO!  I'm looking forward to four more years of the same.
2021-02-05 4:17 am
Now it's nothing. I don't see a dime in my bank account.
2021-02-05 3:23 am
GBI (guaranteed basic income) is on the way, and already implemented in some small European countries.
2021-02-05 3:12 am
Translation:  Free stuff!

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 08:12:51
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