Mental Health Checkup:  Are you happy right now? ?

2021-02-04 5:30 pm

回答 (17)

2021-02-04 7:06 pm
I’m ok, worrying about something though.
2021-02-04 5:44 pm
Yes, I'm ready for the Happy House.

er, thanks for asking. 🙃
2021-02-04 5:43 pm
what the checkup says when someone's happy for totally insane reasons?
2021-02-04 5:46 pm
No , I am off work in a lockdown living alone , I felt ill last week , lost weight and my appetite . Don't want to face my place of work whenever that opens up .
2021-02-04 5:33 pm
I'm fine
I'm not happy but I'm ok with my situation
I just pray for no more bad news
2021-02-04 5:32 pm
I am very happpy, completed most of my pending work today, left banking stuffs
2021-02-04 5:31 pm
Yeah but I did have a nasty dream about the end of the world again.😟
參考: someone hug me
2021-02-05 11:11 pm
Feel fantastic like a nazi at a gas chamber shop.
2021-02-05 4:34 pm
Could be better, but I’m fine.
2021-02-05 4:16 pm
I think I am but there are so many adverts about mental illness, I wonder if do have problems but don’t realise it, and that is a form of anxiety , which is a mental illness, so adverts about mental illness have given me ....
2021-02-05 1:24 pm
Meh. I've been better. This retrograde season is tripping me up.
2021-02-05 12:19 am
not right now so the answer is no
2021-02-05 12:05 am
No, the UK lockdown is driving bonkers
2021-02-04 11:34 pm
No, I’m pretty mellow right now hon
2021-02-04 8:46 pm
No, I am not happy right now. 
2021-02-06 8:15 am
Yes, I am happy now.
2021-02-05 9:01 pm
Yep, I'm always happy.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 08:30:29
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