請問The biggest of the tigers came up to the Lion and bowed, saying: "Welcome, O King of Beasts!中的king of beasts不是要加the在king前面嗎?為什麼沒有,名詞前要加冠詞?

2021-02-04 4:42 pm

回答 (5)

2021-02-05 1:37 am
✔ 最佳答案
根據英語文法,有很多情況, 冠詞是必須省略的,尤其是在專有名詞(proper noun)前, 例如: 人名、稱號、地方名、國家(除美國、菲律賓等例外)、城市 等等.
在感歎詞"O"後面的名詞一般是專有名詞,如 O Lord; O God; O Zeus; O Canada!  而 King of Beasts 是稱號, 用了大楷, 屬於專有名詞, 所以前面不用冠詞唷!
2021-02-05 3:50 am
It is a false title and false titles do not need articles.

Please see

2021-02-04 5:16 pm
In many phrases the definite article may be omitted
The definite article is not needed in the predicate after the verb "be"  It is used without a "the" after be=is.Definite article means "the".  .An indefinite article a and an can be added. No "the" before a proper noun "King of Beast":-
eg:-It is King of Beast
=The King of Beast is O Lion!.
2021-02-05 12:19 am
2021-02-19 5:33 pm

參考: native speaker of English, 40+ years' experience teaching English.

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