Is it possible to find evidence for an advanced alien civilization?

2021-02-04 1:31 am
Do you think it is possible for man to find evidence for an advanced civilization? Wouldn't they be so advanced to were they'd make it impossible to find evidence for their existence? Could this be a safety issue?

回答 (20)

2021-02-04 2:07 am
No it isn't possible.  Where do you suggest looking ?  Don't be ridiculous.
2021-02-05 12:00 am
Watch a series called ancient aliens. Lots of proof.
2021-02-04 1:46 am
It's not that it's impossible. It would take a very long time, given the distances involved. Regarding how advanced such a civilization would be is pure speculation on your part.
2021-02-05 3:47 am
Read Chariots of The God's that is just what the author did! If you ignore all other facts you can just about prove anything. This is why so many instant people fine themselves in prison, someone only looks at the facts they like!  It happens far to often too!
2021-02-04 3:33 am
>>Is it possible to find evidence for an advanced 
>>alien civilization?
Yes... radio signals are about the only ways for us to detect ET existence at the moment - unless, of course, they make the journey *to* Earth themselves, and reveal their existence to us.

>>Wouldn't they be so advanced to were they'd make it 
>>impossible to find evidence for their existence?
Well, if they exist *in* this universe, they'll need to be made of matter, and they'll likely use some form of energy to communicate & propel themselves (assuming they're space-bearing...)  While we may not be able to decipher what they're saying, I believe we'd be able to *detect* their signals as they would have to use the electromagnetic spectrum in some form. 

>>Could this be a safety issue?
Absolutely... if we advertise our existence (either on purpose or inadvertently) - it's possible our planet could be a target of a more advanced civilization that would view us as savages - and, treated similarly to how the Aztecs were treated by the Spanish and the Indians treated by Columbus... 
2021-02-04 2:59 am
Questions about the answerer are not allowed here.

"Wouldn't they be so advanced to were they'd make it impossible to find evidence for their existence?"

No need... If they exist, the live at least 4 lightyears away. Even if they would create a signal strong enough for us to detect (like explode a VERY big hydrogen-bomb) , it would take years for it to reach us
2021-02-06 7:19 am
Yes but there is a lot at stake. If you find out that Humans have been following aliens instead of God all this time then the whole of our religion system will crumble which will result in global wars, and a lot of people will have a  mental meltdown as they can't cope with the truth.
 Also humans are selfish and want to make a buck, so anything discovered will either be quietly sold for a profit or just kept quiet until they can sell it or hushed up as a military secret. This is why they discovered a void in the great pyramid in 2017, but you haven't seen any photos of it yet, even though they are still digging in there. 
Everything that is "out there" in the way of evidence is explained as for unknown religious reasons - which makes no sense or even tries to explain it. As they can't hide it they just discredit it. 

If you want to find true evidence of aliens - look into our oldest building structures, the Bible and the Mahabharata. It's too old and well documented to hide so the evidence is there to see. Just read it with a scientific mind as an ancient document rather than a religious one.
2021-02-06 6:46 am
how , answer me this , how , we cant .
2021-02-04 4:39 pm
We could find evidence of aliens if they are only a little bit more advanced than us and have the same intelligence. Aliens more intelligent than us would have technology so enormously ahead of us that they would appear to be gods. And we would be just animals. 
2021-02-04 1:41 pm
There may be some unexplained events going on in our world but out of our world it is not possible to find evidence for an alien civilization. Our world is it. Human beings might not appear to be so advanced but that is only because they did not use their whole potential. I am not against space exploration for the sake of finding minerals or getting some answers on the origins of life but am against using public money to look for something that is not there rather then focusing of human beings here on earth and for example how to end human hunger and poverty among other things or even how to get along well with our neighbors...

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